we were going to meet the kids before the lockdown tonight at 8:30.  yesterday morning I bought chicken breasts to make for their dinner, something very unlike Ezi’s taste, but standard favorite fare for Ezi.  And Challahs.  And hamentaschen – something very unlike my taste – but standard fare for Purim.  And we made hummus and all kinds of salads.   And we planned for sushi take-out too, because our granddaughter has a big competition in artistic gymnastics tomorrow and she’s freaking out.  So now we’re stuck at home alone with no room in the fridge.

In a normal time, I would have invited a whole bunch of friends for a party instead – but no one can go out.  the kids are next door.  maybe we’ll just dump all the food on them.  


In the end they showed up for tea.  And we found a place in the freezer.  And of course, we talked politics.