Notice that I’ve finally given up and asked someone for advice about editing this site?  But now that it’s looking professional I’m feeling I can never live up to these fonts.

Nevertheless, I will do my best to ignore the ‘look’ and stay as simple and true as possible.  

Today we learned over the radio that the new booster will be good for Omicron too, and they’re testing it at Sheba. It reminded me of how vulnerable we are and how dependent on the medical system.   If Ezi can get vaccinated and it works, our lives will change.  

For me, the Omicron would probably not be fatal, even with the kvetches I live with.  Still, it would be nice to have the vacccine. 

There remains a lot of information I do not have that makes me suspicious.  For example – I don’t know what immunity unvaccinated people who recovered from Corona have.  Do you?  Strange, isn’t it?







2 thoughts on “december 27, 2021 – omicron vaccination please”

  1. The new design handicaps pleasure in reading. The fonts are distracting and the Read More links to finish each post longer than a few lines is discouraging. I prefer an entire post followed by another entire post. Please remove the Read More blocks.

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