with all the terrible news going on right now – new strain, increase in infection, elections in march, terrorism – you’d think there’s nothing to smile about.  But no.  There are always things to smile about.

Here’s one.  Ezi has a bunch of friends on whatsapp from the old days, and one of them is the father of the news presenter on channel 13.  As Ezi was figuring out what to wear for the hike tomorrow, I turned on the news to hear that she was going to present her parents being innoculated against the virus – live.  So  I call Ezi and we watch this little event.  Ezi texts congratulations immediately and receives a little response in Aramaic to the tune of “the deed is done” and the other guys chime in to share their pleasure.  I’m pretty sure he was embarrassed at all this attention of friends – more than the fact that he was on live tv.  

What else can I laugh at?  the fact that Seamus Heaney once said in an interview, “If we winter this one out, we can summer anywhere.”  I’m one of those who barely lives in the winter – I’m the old lady in a puffy coat shivering in the corner of the room cradling my tea, while everyone else is in t-shirts celebrating with a glass of wine.  So I’m always waiting for summer…