israeli politics

By chance, I was watching CNN reporting on Covid in Africa, as I was okaying my appointment for a vaccine tomorrow on my whatsapp.  They were talking about rich countries like Israel who should be sharing their vaccines instead of giving a third dose to citizens.  It’s true – we made a deal with Pfizer.  Because of our health care system that has information on every citizen, we’re perfect for experimental studies.  No one has tested the third vaccine before.  And so we’ve agreed to be guinea pigs.  I don’t think that guinea pigs can share their experimental drugs with anyone.



august 2, 2021 – rich countries, vaccines, and cnn Read Post »

israeli politics

Because it is clear that Ezi’s third vaccine has given him no protection, and people are behaving as if we have conquered the virus, we are somewhat dejected.  Maybe very dejected.  Maybe so dejected that we have to buy new cars.  I have been without a car since I gave my PT cruiser to my son, since I wasn’t going anywhere anyway.   And I really don’t need a car when I can use Ezi’s.  But cars are Ezi’s dream.  He sold the jaguar he bought after he first recovered from stage 4 lymphoma a few years ago because I was movement-challenged and had problems getting in and out  (I’m such a kvetch).  And now, that he’s facing another serious challenge, we’re looking into a Tesla, which would provide the distraction he deserves.  Anyway today we took a test drive on a Suzuki and tomorrow a Tesla friend will show off to us, so he will be very very distracted.

If only everyone was vaccinated and wore masks, we could relax – just a bit.


august 2, 2021 Read Post »

israeli politics

so here is the situation in my family. In the morning we decided that we really want to know if we have antibodies before I get another vaccine. So we went to the hospital and joined the crowds wanting to get serology tests so they can go abroad. It took a long time, but the blood test was simple and gentle. I asked the nurse if he had been doing this all day and he said it was his second shift – that he usually works in a ward in the hospital – so I knew he had experience, and I knew he was tired. By the time we got home to rest, I got the results. but I couldn’t understand what I was positive for. Positive for antibodies or positive for Corona. It looked like I was okay, but I got a little hysterical that the test didn’t explain in simple terms.

By the time I got an answer from my doctor, we had to leave for another hospital for Ezi’s PET-CT. In the meantime his answer came back negative, and there was that sudden realization that our life in isolation is going to go on just like before – meeting friends outside, staying clear of children, shopping online. Wait a minute! That’s not so bad!

Then he texted me from the radiation room – Maybe because he’s in a clinical trial, they didn’t give him a vaccine, maybe he got a placebo. Maybe he should get out of the trial and get vaccinated…

Anyway because he was supposed to fast we didn’t have dinner and won’t get home before midnight, and what concerns me right now is grilled cheese…

august 1, 2021 – health update Read Post »

israeli politics

The other day a well known child psychologist was talking about how to raise successful children.  There were a number of does and don’ts that I wondered about.  Certainly I didn’t have any of the does.  One rule, for example, was: Mother should stay at home and devote her time to the child’s development.

Today Artem Dolgopyat won the gold medal for Israel in gymnastics –  it was well-deserved, and proved many suspicions I had to be right.  1.  he is of mixed race, just a little Jewish.  2. He came to Israel at the age of twelve, so he was an outsider. 3, if he was encouraged, it wasn’t by our society at large – because he barely even spoke Hebrew when he was drafted. 4. he had the control over his emotions, even his adrenalin, that could focus on winning, so he probably didn’t do well making friends. 5. His parents were too busy making a living to pay too much attention to him – they couldn’t have paid for his training.

LOVE each one of these points.  They are all indicators to me that character is everything, that mixing genes is the best formula for achievement, and that children can do very well with a little neglect.

august 1, 2021 – how to get the gold Read Post »

israeli politics

Yesterday evening my friend and I sat together outside, at a proper distance, and decided to get the third vaccine. I spent the evening figuring out how and where to make the appointment for a serology test and then an appointment for a vaccine – and so did she. Then today she called back to say that she had visited her dentist and he called to inform her he was in isolation. She is waiting for the results of her corona test and will let me know. For the second time in the past 17 months, I felt the danger. It’s probably fine, but — rats!

I’m so happy we can get the third vaccine if all is well.

As for my other friends who refuse the vaccine altogether, and are very upset that there is so much pressure on them, I would like to remind them that no one asked them about diphtheria, smallpox, tetanus, polio, and tuberculosis…

july 31, 2021 – vaccine 3 and me Read Post »

israeli politics

Starting Sunday, all vaccinated people over 60 are being encouraged to go to get their booster shots. You realize what this means: The senior citizens of Israel are the front line of the universal fight against Corona. We’re the canaries in the coal mine. Why is the world watching the Olympics? We’re the ones the world should be training their eyes on. Me and my old buddies… Watch this page to see if I croak.

july 30, 2021 – aging canaries Read Post »

israeli politics

I made an appointment for a third vaccine on Tuesday. But first I plan to do a serology test on Sunday to see if I need it. Serology tests cost money – about $60. Vaccines are free. This means that the economic division created and/or intensified by Corona will now reach into the area of health.

july 30, 2021 – here’s my medical advice Read Post »

israeli politics

I didn’t mean to, but I was trying to make a link to my old diary, from 2001-2021, and I snuck a peek.  Wow, was it interesting! It’s here.  

I don’t know yet how to make it available again – but I’ll figure it out, and I may even read more than just a few days.  What we have been through – wars, terrorism, plagues, demonstrations – and incredible joy and fun as well! 

july 29, 2021 – I cheated, i read my diary Read Post »