(page still in progress)
Giora Leshem
Dahn Ben Amotz
Yehuda Amichai
Ronny Sommek
Rafi Weichert
Raquel Chalfi
Asher Reich
some poems and collections can be found here and here.
- Asher Reich, “Our Blood,” “Bathsheba,” “Haifa in Winter,” Ariel, 53, 1983, 102‑3.
- ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑“What Shall He Do,” “Haifa In Winter,” “Bathsheba,” Home Planet News, 22 (Vol. 5, No. 4) 1986, 16‑17
- ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑“Our Blood is the World’s Petrol,” Massachusetts Review, XXVII 2, 1986, 193.
- David Avidan, “Talks,” Cryptograms From a Telestar, Tel Aviv: Now, 1980, 19‑23. Reprinted in arc, 1993.
- ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑“Practical Poems,” Massachusetts Review, XXVII, no.2, 1986, 195.
- Mordechai Geldmann, “The Wholly City,” Metaphysical Reflection 27,” “Transparent Minotaur,” Jerusalem Quarterly, 26, Winter 1983, 81‑3.
- ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑“The Hollow City,” Home Planet News, Vol. 5, No. 4 1986, pp. 16‑17.
- ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑“The Plant,” Midstream, August/September, 1986, 26‑7.
- Natan Zach, “Script,” Massachusetts Review, XXVII, No.2, 1986, 196‑7.
- Yehuda Amichai, “On Rabbi Kook’s Street,” Massachusetts Review, XXVII, 2, 1986, 194.
- ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑“Dante Coffee House 1,” “Dante Coffee House 2,” “Dante Coffee House 3,” Amelia, V. V, #3, 1989, 126‑7.
- ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑“I Guard the Children in the School Yard,” and “New York University,” Prairie Schooner, V. 62, No. 2, Summer 1988, 79‑81.
- Natan Yonatan, “Terminal,” Massachusetts Review, XXVII, No.2, 1986, 198‑9.
- ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑“Absalom,” Poet Lore 81, No. 2, Summer 1986.
- ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑“Friends,” “And the Rotem,” Home Planet News, Vol. 5, No. 4 1986 pp. 16‑17.
- ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑“Only the Oxygen Tent,” New Traditions.
- ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑“Shores,” “Letter,” “Gold Acacia,” Wind‑Prayer,” Midstream XXXII, No. 9, 1986.
- Raquel Chalfi, “What the Sunflower Said,” Home Planet News, 22 (Vol. 5 No.4), 1986, pp 16‑17.
- Eyal Megged, “Stigmata,” Home Planet News, 22 (Vol. 5 No. 4), 1986, pp. 16‑17.
- ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑“Parting in Tivon,” “When I wrote My Name,” Poet Lore 81 No. 2, Summer 1986.
- Ben Zion Ben Moshe, “Go Thee,” Home Planet News, 22 (Vol. 5 No. 4), 1986, 16‑17.
- Arie Sivan, “If I Had,” Home Planet News, 22 (Vol. 5 No.4), 1986 pp. 16‑17.
- ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑“Proposal to a Tourist,” Midstream, Vol XXXII, No. 9, November, 1986.
- Yona Wollach, “Feelings,” Home Planet News, 22 (Vol. 5 No. 4), 1986 pp. 16‑17.
- Dan Pagis, “Fragments of a Lament to A Friend,” Midstream, August/ September 1986, 14.
- Yehuda Amichai, “I Guard the Children in the Schoolyard,” “Late Wedding,” “A Dangerous Land,” “Evening with the Children,” “Freed,” “The One and Only Door,” “The Laundry Basement,” “In a Rustic Inn on Germany,” and “From Man you are and to Man You Shall Return,” Tel Aviv Review, 1, Jan 1988, 9‑27.
- Mordechai Geldmann, “A Plant, “Mr. Death,” Tel Aviv Review, January 1988, V. 1, 289‑292.
- Raquel Halfi, “Painful Yellow, “Cypress will Forever Arise,” Tel Aviv Review, January 1988, V. 1, 293‑298.
- Asher Reich, “Desire,” “Cards and Love,” “Haifa in Winter,” Tel Aviv Review, January 1988, V. 1, 346‑347.
- Ronny Somech, “The Virgins,” “How to Know the Age of a Horse,” Tel Aviv Review, January 1988, V. 1, 349‑352.
- Abba Kovner, “At A Hotel,” Poetics: A Spice Box,” Israel Horizons, Spring, 1988, 22.
- Zelda Mishovsky, “Each Man Has A Name,” New Traditions, Spring, 1989. Rpt. in Yitzhak Rabin – In Memoriam, Tel Aviv: English Association of Writers in English, December 1995, 19.
- Raya Harnick, “Your Socks,” “And At Night,” Lips, Spring, 1987.
- Yehudit Cafri, “Behind the Lines,” Lips, Spring, 1988.
- Giora Leshem, “My Mother’s Tongue,” Midstream, Spring, 1988.
- Yehuda Amichai, “Iguard the Children in the School Yard,” “New York University,” Prairie Schooner, Summer 1988, 79-80.
- ———- “Jaffa Port,” Modern Hebrew Literature, Spring, 1989, No.2.
- Yehuda Amichai, “Miracles,” Partisan Review.
- ———– “Dante Coffee House in New York,” Amelia V, No. 3, 1989, 126-127.
- Mordechai Geldmann, “Dream Girl,” Modern Hebrew Literature, Spring, 1989, No. 2.
- Natan Yonatan, “Jaffa,” Modern Hebrew Literature, Spring, 1989, No. 2.
- Asher Reich, “Heard on the Boardwalk,” Modern Hebrew Literature, Spring 1989, No. 2.
- Arie Sivan, “A Miracle,” Modern Hebrew Literature, Spring, 1989, No. 2.
- Mordechai Geldmann, “Spring,” “Bread,” Tel Aviv Review, III.
- Azriel Kaufman, “Wisdom,” Bitterroot, V XXVIII, Summer 1989, #96, 49.
- Yehuda Amichai, “What I learned in the Wars,” American Voice, September 1989, 74‑5.
- Gabriela Elisha, “She Had Long Wings,” The Tribe of Dina, Boston: Beacon, 1989, 238‑9.
- Yehuda Amichai, “We Did What Was Expected of Us,” Partisan Review Vol LVII Number 3, 429-30. Reprinted in Harpers, November, 1990, 30.
- Azriel Kaufman, “The Wisdom of Animals, “A Man Turns to the Mountain,” and “Kinneret,” Ariel 91, 1993, 16-17.
- Rachel Halfi, “What the Sunflower Said,” LIPS 17, 1993, 44.
- Yehudit Cafri, “Behind the Lines,” LIPS 17 1993, 36
- Zelda, “Each Man,” LIPS 17, 1993, 108
- Hana Senesh, “My God,” LIPS 17, 1993, 130.
- Mordechai Geldmann, “The Friendly Dragon,” Mishkenot, 1993
- Yehuda Amichai, “Miracles,” Poetry New York
- Yehuda Amichai, “Ashkelon Beqch,” International Quarterly, Vol. 1, No. 3, p. 102.
- Elan Schoenfeld, “night of war 1, night of war 6” International Quarterly
- Elan Schoenfeld, “Night of War 1” Poetry New York
- Yehuda Amichai, “Now She Breathes,” “Miracles,” “My Mother Died on Shevuot, Modern Poetry in TranslationNew Series, #4. Winter 1993-4, 16-17.
- Ronny Someck, “Red Riding Hood,” “Snow White in Jellazun Refugee Camp,” “Five Lines on Tom Thumb,” “Gretel,” Modern Poetry in Translation New Series, #4. Winter 1993-4, 90-92
- Natan Yonatan, “From the Hospital,” “What Happens to Me in Dreams,” Ariel, 98, November 1994, pp. 86, 88.
- Yehuda Amichai, “And Who Will Remember Those Who Remember?” Prairie Schooner, Winter 1995, 133-135.
- Mordechai Geldman, “Porno,” Michigan Quarterly Review, September, 1995
- Rony Someck, “Kikar Malkey Yisrael. The Day After,” Yitzhak Rabin – In Memoriam, Tel Aviv: English Association of Writers in English, December 1995, 4.
- Dahlia Ravikovitch, “An Unsatisfactory Answer To the Question,” Yitzhak Rabin – In Memoriam, Tel Aviv: English Association of Writers in English, December 1995, 7.
- Mordechai Geldmann, “Bread,” “Spring,” Object Lesson #11, 1996, 19-23.
- Naim Araidi, “Quiet in the Village,” “If Only,” “From Season to Season,” “In Memory of Farid El Atrash,” Back to the Village. Herzlia: Levant, 1994.
- Nazih Khere, “Identity,” Bread for This Hunger, Ed. Linda Clifton. Seattle, Washington: Crab Creek Review Association, 1996. 3-5.
- Yehuda Amichai, “The Body Is the Reason for Love,” “A Memory of Love – What Will Be?,” “Jerusalem 1985,” Bread for This Hunger, Ed. Linda Clifton. Seattle, Washington: Crab Creek Review Association, 1996. 1-3.
- Sabena Messag, “Defection,” “Like Couples in Movies,” Bread for This Hunger, Ed. Linda Clifton. Seattle, Washington: Crab Creek Review Association, 1996. 7-8.
- Itzik Manger, “Queen Vashti Goes to Her Hanging,” Living Text, 2, Winter 1997, 6.
- Liat Kaplan, “Text, Textile,” “In Praise of Fruit,” “Meeting,” Poems: International Poets’ Festival, Yidiot Achronot, 1997, 220-2.
- Ella Bat-Tsion, “These are Not Real Birds,” Poems: International Poets’ Festival, Yidiot Achronot, 1997,44.
- Asher Reich, “The Book,” Living Text, 5, 1999, 5.
- ————-, “Words for a Photograph,” Ariga.
- Asher Reich, “The Universe Has Vanished,” “Listen to Me Deaf Love,” “The Flight Goes On,” Ariga.
- Yehuda Amichai, “On Rabbi Kook’s Street,” Ariga.
- Yehuda Amichai, “A color painting with a plowman,” “Memorial Days are now over,” “I know a man who made himself the ideal woman of his desires,” “I believe with perfect faith in the resurrection of the dead,” “Even for solitary prayer two are needed,” The Jerusalem Review, 4, 1999/2000, 24-26.
- Iris Le’al, “Do-It-Yourself Death,” The Drunken Boat Spring 2000 Issue 1.
- Tomer Ben Zion, “Letter from the Land of the Dead,” The Drunken Boat Spring 2000 Issue 1.
- Leah Rudnitsky, “Birds Are Dreaming on the Branches,” The Drunken Boat Spring 2000 Issue 1.
- Miriam Baruch Chalfi, “Seashell,” “Even the Colors of the Flowers,” “Eclipse,” The Drunken Boat Summer 2000 Issue 2 (with Raquel Chalfi).
- Raquel Chalfi, “All The,” The Drunken Boat Summer 2000 Issue 2 (with Raquel Chalfi).
- Yaffa Zins, “Epstein-Nidriosbach August 1996,” The Drunken Boat Summer 2000 Issue 2.
- Yehuda Amichai, from “Gods Come and Go, Prayers Remain Forever,” The Drunken Boat Summer 2000 Issue 2.
- Yael Globerman, “She Returns,” Poetry Ireland Review, Issue 74. Ed. Michael Smith. Dublin: Poetry Ireland Ltd., 2002. 65.
- Yehuda Amichai, “The Jewish Time Bomb,” The Kenyon Review, Vol. XXIV, No. 3/4. Summer/Fall 2002. 1-2.
- Mordechai Geldman, “The Road,” “View from Cafe Milano,” “Cafe,” “Spring,” “Another Poet,” “Azure,” “Final Interview,” “Line,” “Returning to Tel Aviv,” Returning to Tel Aviv, (CD), Israel Music Institute (IMI-CD-06), Ron Weidberg and Mordechai Geldman, 2002.
- Asher Reich, “The Book,” “Snapshots,” “Our Blood Is the World’s Petrol,” “Haifa in Winter,” “A Lonely Woman” (with Vivian Eden), “This Plenty” (with Vivian Eden), “Listen to Me Deaf Love,” “Patches,” “Cable,” “The Flight Goes On,” The Poetry of Asher Reich – Portrait of a Hebrew Poet, Yair Mazor, Madison Wisconsin: The University of Wisconsin Press, 2003. 63, 64, 67, 68, 71-2, 73, 77, 82, 93, 102-3.
- Natan Yonatan, “And the Rotem Would Whiten,” “A Possible Introduction to an Epilogue,” “Always Along the Shore,” Within the Song to Live – Selected Poems (Bilingual Edition), Jerusalem: Gefen Publishing House, 2005. 109, 119-121, 137.
- Sabina Messeg, “Kinneret, Spring,” arc 17, Summer 2005. 13.
- Naim Araidi (with the author), “From Season to Season,” “What Shall We Say to Whom,” “Korsakov,” “To Farid Al Atrash,” “On the Massacre of Children,” Jerusalem Review, 5-6, 2006. 154-158.
- Sabina Messeg, “And the Sea,” A Sea of Voices: Women Poets in Israel, ed. Marjorie Agosin. Sante Fe: Sherman Asher, 2008. 67.
- 92) Nidaa Khoury, “People of Figs,” “People of Fire,” “People of Grapes,” “People of Olives,” “People of Pomegranates,” “Death is a Wave,” A Sea of Voices: Women Poets in Israel, ed. Marjorie Agosin. Sante Fe: Sherman Asher, 2008. 113, 116-120.
- Aida Nasrallah, “Abdulla,” Hymns Without Rhyme,” “Just a Moment Ago,” “The Ceremony of Women,” A Sea of Voices: Women Poets in Israel, ed. Marjorie Agosin. Sante Fe: Sherman Asher, 2008. 121-125.
- Mona Daher, “Manifstation!,” “Shyness,” “You Lost Me in the Scent of Frankincense,” A Sea of Voices: Women Poets in Israel, ed. Marjorie Agosin. Sante Fe: Sherman Asher, 2008. 126-9.
- Naim Araidi, “Jerusalem,” The Ilanot Review, 2012
- Rafi Weichert, “Odyssey,” The Ilanot Review, 2012
- Ronny Someck, “Pomegranate,” Pomegranate Gallery, limited.
- Ronny Someck, 8 poems, Seneca Review, 2013.
- Leah Goldberg, “In the Land I Love,” Remember the Past, Live the Present, Trust the Future, Beit Hatfutsot, 2013, 65.
- Yaara Shehori, “With the Diminishing of the Divine in Our Lives,”Remember the Past, Live the Present, Trust the Future, Beit Hatfutsot, 2013, 97.
- Dory Manor, “Meeting with Sutzkever,”Remember the Past, Live the Present, Trust the Future, Beit Hatfutsot, 2013, 101.
- Naim Araidi, “Jerusalem Divides,” “Parting from You, Jerusalem Review, no 8. 2015, 13-4.
- Ronny Someck, “I am a Lot of Don Quixotes,” Jerusalem Review, no 8. 2015, 106.
- Ronny Sommek, “Tomorrow,” The BZine, 2020 –
- Ronny Sommek, “Zoom”
- Eda Zorritte, “Jasmine,” Ariel, 47, 1978, 90‑118.
- ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑“Absolution,” Webster Review, 1977.
- Dahn Ben Amotz, “Buon Gourno, Valentina,” Libido.
- Dan Horowitz, “Cherlika‑Cherli,”Modern Israeli Drama, An Anthology, ed. Herbert S. Joseph. Rutherford: Fairleigh Dickinson University, 1983, pp. 216‑241.
- Joseph Mundi, The Power of a Dream.
- Hanoch Levin, Requiem. Jerusalem Review (forthcoming).
- Hanoch Levin, The Child Weeps (forthcoming).
- Hanoch Levin, Thrill My Heart (forthcoming).
- Hanoch Levin, Moshe Schimmel (forthcoming).
La Loca, “Why You Should Only Take Black Men As Your Lovers,” Iton 77, 144-145, January-February 1992, 60-61.,