so what’s new? 

we thought something would change at midnight.  I stood on the balcony with my granddaughter, waiting for illegal fireworks to mark the revolution of the year. 

but nothing happened.  

she had been exercising at rehearsal all day, preparing for the Japanese Olympics in 2021, and she was still recovering from an exhausting cold that turned out not to be corona.  She should have been in bed but it was particularly important for her to greet this year in which so much was going to happen for her. 

And there was no sign.  No difference.

let’s pray this doesn’t mean anything, that the new year will be a truly new beginning.  I know that the date of the new year is accidental, that it used to be the Ides of March for the world, and that it’s the first of Tishre for us, and all that, but – come on – right now January 1 is our big date now.  Brexit is not the only thing that’s happening today.

For us it was a regular Friday.  I tried answering some of the letters from the guests at the IAWE Zoom end of year party, but couldn’t even get to all of them.  Should you wish to get on our mailing list, let me know.