trauma and post - 6.29.24

Almost impossible to believe, but after an hour of sharing how much we are traumatized, we managed to ignore the present situation and turn our minds to trips we took long ago.  It’s still trauma, but it may be moving into some place better.  We didn’t even mention Gaza once.

A few days ago there was an article about how we don’t seem to be sympathetic to the plight of the Gazan population.  I don’t know if I mentioned it here, but not a day goes by without discussion about what we can do for the Gazan people.  I’ve seen my friends up north abandoned by our leaders while they wander about the country and sometimes around the world for 9 months. I’ve watched the way the aid trucks have been hijacked by Hamas and their contents sold on the market and wondered how we’d be able to get past the people in charge and get our lives back.  We think we have many things in common. 

sorry if this doesn’t make sense.  i don’t reread or fix and I’m tired of trying to live a normal life.