israeli politics

I hate to interrupt our constant obsession with corona, but there are other issues.  yesterday when I was talking to a Ukrainian friend, I mentioned the possible invasion by Russia.  “Funny you should mention it.  I was just speaking with my family in the Ukraine and they didn’t know what I was talking about when I asked them about the war.  They said it was just the usual saber-rattling.” And here in Israel we’ve been saying that war there is not only inevitable but that it will happen before February 10 when the ice starts to melt so the tanks can get through…

Now we have been doing an unusual amount of war games lately and no one seems to be paying much attention to it.  But Hizballah is a force to be reckoned with, and there is no reason to doubt that Lebanon will be taken over by some pretty nasty and aggressive forces in the near future.  We need to pay attention to that.


february 8, 2022 – battles? Read Post »