in the past few days some rules have changed on this site – technically. or maybe i’ve just forgotten the rules, and it is not as easy for me to be spontaneous. couldn’t even get the title to work today. And if i have to have titles and follow rules, I just may have to find another way to express myself. maybe I can find a free-dance class, one of those where older people are encouraged to find their core…
there were too many zooms for me to cope last night. Tonight another zoom that I was informed about yesterday, that has me reading a poem in Hebrew about light. I was informed when I received the invitation, and it sent me into a spin. I spent the day trying to create a poem that would suit the subject, and when Ezi came home from the hospital and read it, he shrugged his shoulders – banal. His hematological treatment, the cold I caught somewhere the day before that sent me to bed early, the vaccines – all was forgotten. the poem was trashed, and an older, less relevant poem replaced. who knows if I made it in time to add it to the screen share.
now I’ve got such a cold that if I joined the zooms I promised, I’d be broadcasting from my bed, wearing these fluffy white pajamas, my eiderdown pulled up to my chest, the Sambucol and a box of tissues on the bedside table, with an occasional glass tea, and speaking in a hoarse voice punctuated by coughs and sneezes.
yes, I’m clutching my pearls.
december 14, 2020 – a taste of reality Read Post »