israeli politics

The country is buzzing with the news of the invasion of privacy by the police and the policy of programs that can invade the thoughts of an individual.   Me, I’m not worried,  There’s nothing there.  

Okay, maybe I lie a little about my weight.  Maybe I exaggerate about how sick I am.  My doctor isn’t impressed at all by my complaints, seems to take all my truth-stretching with a grain of salt, looks at my tests, and sends me on my way with a little twitch in my medication.  No privacy…

What about my political activity?  No one pays attention to them anyway.  So what if I demonstrated or signed a petition – it didn’t DO anything.

That’s why I was so excited when an ex-prisoner told me yesterday about being a ‘cluck,’ a prison whore, and how you can do a little dance in the shower out of range of the cameras.  That’s privacy.



february 7, 2022 – privacy Read Post »