Sympathy - 9.14.24

Someone asked me today if I have no sympathy for the Gazans.  And my heart would be full of sympathy if they hadn’t be causing us such grief and pain.  We tell each other about this all the time – making our own lives even more miserable – but the desperation doesn’t get out to the world.  I don’t have the exact numbers because some have left the country, some have found alternative lives elsewhere, but most of them have simply lost their souls.  My friend up north has begun to realize that she will never get back home, because even if there is a cease fire she is no longer capable of maintaining herself.  The blank looks of the people sitting in hotel lobbies haunt me.

In zooms, in the places in Israel untouched by rockets and trauma I see normal people, some scared, some scarred, some holding on, and some even optimistic about tomorrow.  But I don’t see that anyone outside this country knows about it. 

oh yes, Sinyuar knows.


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