let me just add another part and revised yesterday’s paragraph
I assumed this information will be put together before too long, and the truth will come out. But at the moment I wanted to publish this, nobody seems to be sharing. I myself didn’t talk about a much more civilized rape for fifty odd years.
But as this piece was going to press, on the first of December, the hint of the organization of the materials began to become apparent. Dr. Kochav Alkayam-Levi has quietly established a civil commission in the matter of “Crimes of Hamas against Women and Children” in order to collect information about the carrying out of explicit written instructions of methodical rape, torture, mutilation and murder. The vastness and the volume of the evidence makes the accuracy of the evidence far more complex than a listing of victims can signify. One detail, the existence of bodies whose gender could not be established, may function as a synecdoche of the entire massacre. Alkayam-Levi has not released most of the data, with the idea that the trauma is too great at the present time, and the international denial too widespread for any reasonable analysis.