Protected Buses - 29.11.24

We took a trip to the Negev a few days ago, to see the Nabatean city of Mamshit, the winter daffodils of the desert, the development center in Yerucham, and were hosted by a wonderful Bedouin lady in her tent.  It has taken me three days to recover, not because of the places we visited, but the long bus journey. 

The buses the nature society uses have narrow seats, little leg room, and no bathroom.  We stop regularly and stand in line for the public toilets.  No one else seems to mind, but I sit on my aisle seat, trying not to fall into the aisle, and waiting for any opportunity to stand up.

The bus is not reinforced, but even though we shared the sites with Arab groups, my greatest fear is that the bathroom will not be clean.  

Today there was an attack on a bus – not a tour bus – but a bus in the territories.  9 People were injured by a single terrorist.  What am I complaining about?  I got to see the most amazing sites, and met the most amazing people, and never felt danger for a moment.

Oh yes, we had an armed guard with us the entire time.

How do these flowers exist in the Negev?  There is nothing aroun but an occasional flower, and yet there are purple and yellow flowers peeking out of the stony earth everywhere.