thank goodness someone cares enough to complain to me about how boring this new site looks!    let me try some new possibilities .  okay – not this one, right?


okay, let’s try again later.  suggestions are welcome. let’s go on to more important subjects: viz. the street cats.  They are busy all the time, running around the neighborhood and making themselves look very individual and important.  and they are all in it for themselves alone.  i watch them a lot.  i’ve even adopted one of them – she’s totally terrified all the time, especially when it comes to other cats, and if we feed her outside, we have to guard her, because she gives in to any other cat who comes by.  we call her peecee but in my heart i call her Benny.  In fact, I can name all the cats in the neighborhood by the ministers of parliament they resemble.  For example, one fat cat who obviously has a home, but is never there, and has a particularly nasty way of hissing at almost anything that passes, is clearly Miri.  She’s got some Persian in her and she seems to flaunt her fluffy tail in people’s faces.  The ginger cat, who looks sleek and refined, never lets you near, and appears to be doing very well when others are all ragged and worn,  and i call her Gila.  There is also another particularly large cat with an enormous head who runs the territory – Bibi.  And there are lots of other cats who are starving, some who seem to have disappeared from the neighborhood entirely – they are the people.

of course i can’t complain…yet.