The little things that can wrong took all my day.  It started out with the EKG that went wrong.  I mean it went fine medically. But I lost my card between the nurse who signed me in and the nurse two feet away doing the cardiogram, who looked me up instead.  As soon as the test was over I was ushered out of the clinic as per protocol.  So I couldn’t even look for my card.  And when the results came back to me in the waiting room they told me they didn’t find my card, and to go to get a new one at the office.  There was a line in the office and when I got to the secretary, she admitted she couldn’t do it and took me to another office.  Which was closed.  But so what, right?  But I needed the card to get my medication at the drugstore. 

The hell with it. 

so I go home and the supermarket delivery that was supposed to arrive at nine in the morning shows up at twelve when I am just online ordering a new health clinic card.  And half is missing.  And there’s no receipt so I am not sure what else I ordered that didn’t arrive.  The part that is delivered is melted or – I eventually discover – is spoiled.  But first I waste another hour whatsapping with the supermarket and arguing.  

So I almost forgot that tonight was Hanukah until the kids called and sang songs.  And Oren in a cruise ship somewhere in the Mediterranean sent pictures of candle lighting.  But I’m too cross with all that went wrong today (there was more – don’t ask) that I dragged out an old menorah you may find entertaining – from the 6-day war.