mount meron - 5.27.24

I probably don’t need to say it but the army closed down the entire area around mount meron because we are being fired upon all the time and Meron is dangerous.  The custom of going to Mount Meron every year to celebrate the many customs associated with it therefore is against religious law.  Life-threatening situations must be avoided according to religious law.  So I don’t understand at all what these guys are doing there and why they are fighting for the right to do it.  We have lost control not only of civilian order, but of the hierarchy of values.

I am not sure what happened in Rafiah yesterday – but at least 35 innocent people were killed.  Our army, which has been claiming that it is very careful to avoid citizen, is mortified.  And justifiably.  This is where all our moral attention should be focussed, and not on irrelevant values that have nothing to do with religion.