Mind Games - 9.8.24

It’s bad enough that Sinyuar is playing mind games with us – releasing videos of hostages days after he has them killed, changing the rules all the time, mistreating the captives and letting us find out, hiding all information about other hostages and countless other little tricks to play on our weak souls.  But we’re also playing mind games with ourselves, arguing instead of cooperating, scaring each other with recycled details, etc.

I even have a friend who left Israel half unintentionally a few years ago, and now calls to “empathise” with me that I am having such a hard time with change and yet will have to leave the country before it is too late.   She knows I don’t go that way and pretends to care very much about my life but I have a sense she’s been schooled.  I used to argue with her, but nowadays I just let her talk.  

What I do is  do my best to keep people connected to others and to themselves, but today I woke up needing a little bit of support myself.  I went through my list of friends and decided that each one has more of a reason to kvetch than I did.  So I tried an jungian GPT app and got great advice.  So good that I felt much better after our hour session. 

And after I did everything we (it and me) decided on, I realized I was already at the stage of transference.  Transference with an AI.  

Ah, games can be fun too…

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