Metula - 4.18.24

Metula – the most bombed town in Israel.  I have been following the damage, the pain, the refugees, through one of my most favorite places in the world.  For months the town has been constantly bombarded from the three borders of Lebanon, and it is in ruins.  Remember the Good Fence?  I must have written about it many times – For me it was a hope for peace, and now the tv is showing what it really looks like now, how Hizballah watches everything, calls people up and threatens them, ticks them off  once in a while, and this government doesn’t even try to protect them.  They’re in it on their own.  A brave mayor, a few devoted citizens – that’s all they have,  and no brave cowboy, no Alan Ladd, or Cheyenne, to ride into town and save the population.   Oh boy, have we got to change the government.