Picture our evening:  we shower, get into bed.

And the sirens go off, and we run to the shelter.  And the only people who join us are our next door neighbor and the kids from upstairs.  No one else has the energy to run down all those steps.  So there are 4 adults and 5 students.  We hear the rockets and know they fell nearby, and some of the students are shaky, scared. 

We wait a quarter of an hour and go upstairs and the sirens go off again.  And one adult is fed up and doesn’t come down.  The five students, however, are young and very fast.  One has remembered my suggestion to bring Rummicub and we begin to play.  They are playing in Arabic and translating themselves to Hebrew for me.  I am totally unfocused but what the hell – we play.  And the time has passed when we could have gone upstairs but we haven’t finished the game.  Finally, I came in second to last and let them go home.  Let’s hope that was it for the night.