In honor of the first day of spring, my doctor is changing my antibiotics.

Seriously, guys, it is bitter cold around here – even the trees don’t know how to behave.  Some are shedding and some are blossoming. 

Every year we turn off the central heating on March 15.  For the past few years, we’ve even turned it off weeks before.  The determining factor is always my feet.  That is, when I begin to complain that my feet are cold, Ezi consults with Shlomo and they agree to ask Tami to collect the payments of those residents who participate in the under-floor heating pipes.  Usually we run out of money for the heater by mid-March and my feet are okay.  So we stop.  This year I’ve been turning on all the air-conditioners to warm and I’m still sick all the time.

Spring.  Humbug.