love and fear - 8.18.24

First, the love part.  Tonight is Tu-B’Av.  It’s the equivalent of Valentine’s Day in practice although the background is much more significant.  Anyway we went to buy a ring,  And I told the lady I was looking for something modest and flat because I don’t wear rings.  But after much consideration I wound up picking out a grotesquely large and ostentatious piece – that I love.  Why? 1. Ezi liked it too 2. It has many layers and looks something like the countless emotions we have every day in the war we’re going through. 3. It was made by a brother and sister named Rosenstein – my maiden name.  You will see me wearing it on days when I really need support.

We also went to the beach which was amazing as usual.  We looked back at the full moon and there was something so eternal about warm emotions.  Even though my day was not at all productive and pretty nasty, I got all mushy about my friend, who, like me, gets intimidated by powerful women.

Fear: Hizballah showed the filming of its vast tunnels – big enough for rocket carriers, complex enough to really erase us.  Why are they showing their ‘secret weapon’ to us now?  To intimidate us further?  I would think they would not show us anything until they used it – unless they too are scared – of us.  So we’re playing big time chicken.