losing it - 8.9.24

What is worse – when the prime minister wasn’t functioning at all at the beginning of the war (and before) or now, when he is simply crazy, leading us off a cliff to oblivion?  I keep thinking he will shake himself and realize what terrible harm he is doing to his people as well as the people next door.  But it just gets worse and worse.  There seems to be no way to wake him up to reality.  Even Biden’s “Stop Bullshitting Me” remark last week didn’t make a tiny difference in his behavior.  When he was sure that Trump was going to win, I thought maybe he was banking on that – having a partner in his madness.  But now that it is possible there will be a president who won’t let him get away with all this madness, he hasn’t batted an eyelash.  

I wouldn’t mind the fact that he was losing it, but he’s bringing two peoples down with him.

And yet, I have not been demonstrating lately.  Mostly out of fear of personal injury.  But this distance I’m keeping from rebellion is also keeping myself from the population that matters.  These are the people who can rebuild this country, the people who matter, the people I would most hate to lose.