So while I try to figure out where my office account is and how I can upload it, while I still haven’t found out where my domain is. I’m trying to understand the subject I wrote about yesterday – tradition. I was talking about art and how a style was created that was uniquely Israeli in the thirties and forties – even though I have yet to find a painting from those days where a camel actually looks like a camel. The palm trees, the sea, the women in long solid color skirts and long blouses – often with some utensil on their head. Ah, Guttman, Rubin, etc. Then Simon, Sebba becoming more and more abstract… then… well you can look it all up. And I’m sure that most artists are acquainted with what happened before they started painting. But I think of all the paintings that were sold, that are in private collections, or that are hanging in somebody’s bedroom or living room, and I wonder what the tradition really is – what was thrown out as a scribble because the managers of taste didn’t know about their development, or didn’t like their background, or felt it wasn’t representing the country properly. I mean it is only in very recent years that Palestinian artists have begun to be known and to influence the mainstream. How amazing this thing called tradition is. how arbitrary. how silly. how powerful.