Joe Biden - 7.12.24

I know this isn’t about Tel Aviv, but I have been identifying with Joe Biden so much I feel you should be aware of our limitations and attributes.  For years I have been messing up names.  It was at least twenty years ago when I stood in front of a class of hundred and referred to – what’s his name? Shakespeare.  I do things like that more often now, and it happens more when I’m under pressure, or when I’m talking to someone who is judging me.  But I’m also wiser than ever.  Really.  I’ve been through most of the situations we’re going through now.  I was born in war, came to Israel in time for the Yom Yippur War and have been around for every other tough situation in the middle east.  And I think the experiences taught me something people who live a normal life don’t experience.  And, oh yes, I’m a professor.  absent minded and retired.   But still publishing academic work.  Like Biden, it’s hard for me to move, hard for me to look into the sun, and hard for me to remember names.