a poem in Yiddish
my grandson likes to quote poems – a while ago he picked up a Russian nursery rhyme from me and I recorded it. he can still quote it at the drop of a hat, and last week he did an English poem – with great humor and emotion. Today he asked me to give him a Yiddish one – and i know he needs something short and funny. So i wrote one.
דער קאטער שלאפט זיך אפן דאך
ער גייט ארויס אין הגאס ביי נאכט
ער טומעלט זיך ארום א סאך
און שלאפט גאנצענע טעג אך דאך
too late to give it to him, but i’ll bet he learns it fast.
in English it would be
The cat sits on the roof
he goes wandering at night
he raises such a ruckus
so he sleeps all day on the roof