hostages as survivors - 30.1.25
Whenever we have free moments, we turn to the tv and watch what is happening with the hostages that were freed today. It has occured to me that we really don’t have a protocol for how to treat people who were imprisoned for almost a year and a half – sometimes in isolation , sometimes as sex slaves, sometimes as servants, sometimes tortured, sometimes raped, sometimes all of the above. Some are thin, but most are a bit chubby on carbs, and they claim to have been fattened up for the photo op of their release. They are all still in hospital recovering.
I wonder if that includes the 5 Thai workers who were released today. What kind of trauma are they living through? Certainly the army girls who lost more than 2/3 of their friends are not yet totally aware of their new situation.
But one thing the Hamas has succeeded in doing – stopping all of our lives, and filling us with fear of the future as we watch people who had been put away for life sentences for multiple murders being freed and scattered around the world where they can do harm everywhere.