Everything about our politics is so terrible, but the accusations yesterday and the arguments over whether to open the lockdown or not – that was unbearable.  Here we are, citizens whose very lives are being determined by a bunch of criminals with only their careers on their minds,  and all we can do is just watch.  

And with 30 odd parties in the coming ele    on – a clear sign of inevitable division of the opposition – its pretty sure that Bibi will win again, and we’ll be back where we started, minus the millions cost of the process.  

There is always the story that when you have two Jews you get three opinions, but it is obvious that this is a sign of the inability to compromise, the unwillingness to let someone who has a small difference of opinion represent you.  I keep thinking that Zelicha, for example, who is a brilliant economist but will not win a seat on his own, could easily go over to Labor or Meretz, and maybe even Yair Lapid, but won’t.  Votes for him will be lost, and that will give an extra margin to Bibi.  The fact that Labor won’t compromise on its ideology is good for my soul, but if I were Meirav Michaeli I would make a deal with Meretz so that votes won’t be lost.

Why is the idea of united parties so important?  Because if you are missing the exact amount needed to add a single candidate, all the votes for that seat do not count at all.  So the more compromises the middle left can make, the more they can join up if only for the election, the better.  But we can do little to make that happen. 

So we played family trivia on zoom last night.  who’s in a league? who grew up where?  what’s his favorite hobby?  At least the kids should remember that they have family even if they can’t see them.