Ezi's Eightieth - 6.5.24

How to celebrate in such a dangerous world?  Ezi can do it.  For the first time ever he agreed to a party – not just one party, but two.  All the stops are being pulled out – new underwear and all. 

While we’re working on the video for his party we’re seeing the whole history of Israel – the building, guarding, protecting, worrying, rejoicing.  Everyone his age had something to do with the building of this country, and the stories of everyone today are a part of the continued survival.  If I go through the people I know, I think I can cover almost all of what’s happening.  

Even my old Arabic teacher is an example of the complexities of the country.  (We studied with her for over a year, but I wasn’t picking it up because my head wasn’t on right – I didn’t have the basic grammar that every native Hebrew speaker has.  I’m only now beginning to understand it).  But she, Sabreen Msarwi, was recently accused of siding with the enemy because she liked a facebook post long ago.  I stick with her.