Take it day by day, my friend says. The number of people who have had their ways of life destroyed by Covid, and are now suffering the results – lack of purpose, lack of community, lack of enjoyment – forms a large percentage of the population in the world. Maybe some are refinding their purpose in protesting their governments now. Maybe that’s part of why we’re out there?
Or maybe it’s the other way around? That we now understand that we can’t leave government to the idiots, that we have to take responsibility for our own lives.
On a different note, we continue to live our own lives, day to day. We even went out for breakfast today with friends from abroad. We wanted to take them to one of our favorite places, but when we arrived at BetaCafe and sat down our friend got up and walked out. He went next door and found a new place, with lots of cakes that he liked, and he moved us. For us, it didn’t really matter which cafe we preferred, because when they asked where I liked to eat breakfast, I automatically said, “in bed.” But for them, the question of breakfast is really important.
For me, I’d rather put my concerns and emphasis on who we’re eating breakfast with.