The word kept coming up in the congressional questioning of university presidents, “Is a call to genocide against the code of the university?” And I kept thinking that the response of Presidents like Liz Magill of the University of Pennsylvania that calling for the genocide of Jews is against the university’s code of conduct “is a context-dependent decision.” How similar it is to all I have written about the effect of the dismisssive response to rape as a second rape. The negation of the crimes against Israel on October 7 is also not a question of context, but an affirmation of series of horrendous crimes, planned years in advance. Any negation of these crimes is a repetition of the same crime.
I’m too tired to make sense right now but maybe i’ll rewrite this in the morning.
in the case of the university presidents, the cord “context” is just a standard ass-covering so the world doesn’t sue them. If there’s anybody left to sue after the next massacre