I’m so happy to announce the publication of my latest article on poetry and medicine. It was the beginning of my research on exploring how poem sequences trace the development of disease like a fever chart = in some cases with great success. Poetry can sometimes help you get better. In this case, Henley was lucky to be a patient of the man who initiated the use of antiseptic, who kept patients apart, who washed his hands – who used many procedures over 150 years ago that now save our lives. I’m still amazed at this confluence of new medical and poetic techniques. It’s called Chronicling medical progress: W. E. Henley, Joseph Lister, and recovery and it’s here: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/08893675.2021.1921476
june 3, 2021 – joseph Lister and long jong silver. Read Post »