israeli politics

Yes, we’re back in our masks. And back in our renewed occasional hysteria. Three days ago we spoke with a friend of a friend who was at a conference with a guy who tested positive, and we have to wait until he gets his test back to see if we’re in danger. This situation is going to repeat itself for a while. That mellow mood that was beginning to settle over the country is suddenly jarred. Thank goodness most people have stores and stores of masks.

june 25, 2021 – renewed masks Read Post »

israeli politics

There are certain moments in life that you never forget.  Every moment with Ali Salem were those.  I’d just published an abbreviated version of part of the story a few months ago, but there was at least one more chapter I needed to add, and Nitza talked about part of it in her article about Sasson Somekh.

May be an image of ‎1 person and ‎text that says '‎ת×ב‘וח וספרות הארץ גבולות הקול התרבותי ביקש ממני להעביר לפרופסור סומך שנגיב מחפוז הוא זוכה פרס נובל לשנת 1988 מלאו שנתיים למותו ששון של סומך, המתרגם הבלשן, הפר×פסו”ר הידוע והעעעץ לספרות ערבית תיבה פתקים מצחיקים והזויים לחבריו וחברותיו הרבים. הייתי אחת מהם ניעה האאת CS CamScanner with‎'‎‎

the entire article is here

sorry, it’s in Hebrew.

But my story is in English

and then Nitza Ben Dov called me to ask about another part for an article she was doing for Ha’aretz, his visit to Israel.  Actually, Ali wrote about it himself and you can read part of it if you click here on Amazon.

June 25, 2021 – Ali salem Read Post »

israeli politics

it must be amazing to have a birthday in the middle of Tel Aviv on Gay Pride day when everyone is celebrating, dancing in the streets. If I wasn’t so worried about seeing so many people in a rising corona situation, I’d be out there dancing.

Am I gay? who knows? but the point is that fay rights are human rights – equality is for all.

A few years ago I was walking with my 8 year-old grandson in Tel Aviv- On the way I pointed out the flags that were left over from Gay Pride, and I asked, “What are they?” “Oh,” he said, “They’re left over from Independence Day celebrations. On the way back, I pointed them out and asked, “Aren’t those Gay Pride flags?” “Oh,” he said and looked at me profoundly, “You know about those things?”

june 25, 2021 -Orit’s birthday Read Post »

israeli politics

it may have been a sunset that won’t be repeated for a long time. The sea smooth and warm and gentle, the starfish still not making their 3-week visit, the beach cafe almost empty – the sunset even more stark than usual.

May be an image of one or more people and beach

i went to the beach feeling sick, just because we had a date with an old friend, but every minute of knowing this was an unique experience made me well again. how could I experience it as a kvetch?

of course, Ezi’s picture is better.

june 24, 2021 – beach Read Post »

israeli politics

As soon as we opened the airport the virus started coming back in. Binyamina is RED. Such a great town – and now because one person came back to Israel and didn’t follow quarantine procedure, the whole country’s in danger. Well, two people – some guy in Modiin did the same thing. And that means we’re back in our masks, and hoping the whole breakout can be contained.

But that’s not what’s worrying me – what’s got to me is some germ I must have picked up in my wanderings this week that’s driving me mad. My head, my stomach, my neck, throat , etc – and I Myself don’t feel so good…

june 24, 2021 – germs Read Post »

israeli politics

For Orit’s birthday we did a massage at Culo, the spa at comme-il-faut on the port. Then we bought clothes. We were served by the beautiful and talented Nurit, who has been working there at least since 1994 when I had a book launch there. And she remembered me, and almost sold me a dress, but then Orit came out from the reflexology and both of us went out for coffee at Maison Kaiser. Last time I went near Maison Kaiser it was impossible to get in – the lines were so long – but this time there were plenty of tables, and the food was okay. My apple turnover was not amazing but it probably should have been heated, but Orit went wild over her camembert sandwich.

Then we went back to comme-il-faut and Orit picked out a dress. Unfortunately Nurit was otherwise occupied, and someone else served us, but we really enjoyed overpaying for a perfect dress. Her birthday isn’t for 2 days but I really felt she’s ready now to celebrate it.

june 23, 2021 – spa Read Post »

israeli politics

Ricky Friesem had a book launch in her back yard tonight. There were more than a hundred people in the audience and they listened carefully to the translation of her book in Hebrew about the way shelter is so complex in Israel. The way someone who comes from abroad to Israel for shelter and then has to find shelter from bombs, from terrorists. Only an immigrant would know how that feels.

But we are in such limbo now – not even knowing if the corona is back, not knowing if we will be at war within a week, not knowing if we can keep Iran from nuking us, not even knowing where Sara Netanyahu is…. I didn’t want to read any more about that. So I read poems about more medical issues.

june 22, 2021 – poetry and shelter Read Post »