we seem to have gone back in time with all the new rules and old dangers, but we’re coming from a much weaker place . We’re exhausted, we’re poor, and we’ve run out of movies to watch at home. Our government is in a less authoritative position to control the rules – I would have shut down the airport last week because that’s where the spread has been most prevalent. Instead, Bennett advised people not to travel and no one paid attention. Not that Bibi ever did a better job, but now we have to be much more strict.
Once – long ago – I told my boss in summer camp a secret a kid had told me, after a deep debate with myself about the issue. He immediately exploded and said, “you know what’s wrong with you ? You have a problem with authority!” Everyone who knows me knows this has been true for me all of my life – I never tell people what to do, never say that I know more than they do, never even tell people I’m a professor. And looking back, I’m sorry about that. Because I think the only way this plague can be overcome is with a strong leadership and strict rules. it should have been inculcated in us from the beginning of the corona when we were so scared. But we’re a people who need freedom, and trying to teach us something is like herding cats.
july 18, 2021 – back to the future Read Post »