yeah yeah, I know the question is complicated beyond measure.    I know the nature of Judaism changes with every block in every city of the world.  We, ourselves, are immersed in Jewish life and history, connected to every element of Jewish existence, and – as jews – enjoying criticizing other Jews with great pleasure.  But would we last under the pressure in the United States to be Jews and yet not ‘reveal’ it to the world, to hide any signs of our religion?  Within Israel we argue all the time about being overwhelmed by the laws of the domineering religious culture, and yet would defend our self-definition to the death. 

We managed to escape from Holocaust day in Israel this year.  I always find it unbearable – remember my mother weeping uncontrolably before the television – but always remembering every individual in our family who disappeared.  Even yesterday as we were being immersed in the massive beautify of Boston, I kept thinking of having missing the opportunity to discuss the great gap in our history with others,