We were going to pack tonight, but our apartment building is in the middle of a great mess.  We’ve been arguing about how to fix up our old building, rather how to keep it from falling down – since it is, like most buildings in Tel Aviv – very old and poorly constructed.   The younger tenants want to tear it down and build a taller, bigger, building.  The older residents – who have lived here since the building was first erected – want to do as little as possible.  They don’t want to move away for two years because some of them won’t make it back.  And we’ve been together for so long… Who will take care of our old aushwitz graduate?  She told me today she came directly from the camps to this apartment.  We’ll have to try to stick together until the end.

Anyway tonight was the night everyone came to us to argue about the petition and who wanted what.  So no packing and no decisions.