From everything I understand about Islam, from followers and from scholars like the late Uri Rubin, it is meant to be a month of holiness and reflection, of self-control and resignation to the will of the divine.  And when you’re told the will of the divine is the destruction of the Jews, you have to succumb. 

Last night 3 terrorists, part of the holy war group, were stopped on their way to a attack.  I cannot figure out a way this can be justified even though I do understand the sense of threat that many feel about the third holy place for Islam.   I understand as well that Al Aksa was erected deliberately over a holy site for Jews.

But I’ve also always understood that for Jews holy places are less important than spirituality, that Isaac and Ishmael buried Abraham together, that there are things more important than rivalry.

Ramadan Kareem, a generous Ramadan to all.