a bit more about language - 7.11.24

We still say “Ahhlan” when we meet, even though it is outdated. We never say “Shalom Aleichem” and I’ve noticed that Arabs don’t greet each other with “Salaam Aleikum.”  Peace be upon you seems somehow to indicate that the peace comes from above.  We in the middle east tend to think that we’re responsible for war and peace.  We prefer thinking the enemy is to blame for war, and we are the ones who make peace.

“Besorot Tovot” also seems to have a religious feeling.  Better translated as “Glad tidings.”  “May you be sent glad tidings.”  

“Inquiry” scares people, as if it is clear someone has done something wrong, and our world is a mess.




what do you say when someone asks you how you are?  “Considering the situation, I’m fine.”  And when