what makes archeology so fascinating for me? I certainly don’t know how to ‘read’ a site – to say this is Canaanite or maybe that is Philistine. But I guess the links to history, to what is said in the bible or the hieroglyphs make more of an emotional connection, and prove the continuity of life. To conceive the fact that communities existed so long ago, that they lived, created, prayed… it is quite amazing. Whoever these people were, they were my ancestors thousands of years ago.
Some people believe that archeology here is important because it proves the events in the bible, but sometimes it seems to contradict some of the time frames. The details don’t matter too much to me, but they keep the past present. Whether King Solomon was given Gezer as part of his daughter’s dowry by the king of Egypt, or whether the ruler of Gezer fulfilled the request of a letter from the Pharoah and sent 46 pretty girls to him, the ancient city is a living one.