For the past four years we’ve been walking on the Israel Trail, or rather, my group has been walking and I’ve been shlepping behind – breathless, pale, aching. Our guide emphasizes archeology and we learn about the specific sites – many thousands of years of history. The walking is never easy – yesterday was almost impossible for me – but when we got to Megiddo I almost forgot that my toes were bleeding.
The site has been closed for over a year, and is still really not open yet, because they are still rebuilding the site which has been ravaged and plundered by archeologists over the past hundred years. Not because of some hunger for wealth, but because there are over 20 layers of civilization there and I imagine that each time a different layer interested the diggers so they threw away the later layers..
but these are original constructions – the altar that is one of many generations of altars
and the Canaanite granary.