This is the week that the Bible reading begins over again. We start with the creation of the world. So how does it go?
- We brought the clothes that we washed and sorted and packed for babies to the refugee distribution center. Everyone is pitching in to help the people who have lost every possible thing they need, including family, in the last week.
- We went down to the shelter and then up again.
- One of my best friends called to berate me for ignoring her whatsapp. “My house was bombed, and you didn’t even call to see if I’m all right!” The damage was really great – the windows that burst, the fragments that tore through her fridge, seeding her sofa, her bed, the new clothes she wore to my house last week. How could I have missed her note? How could I have not been there for her? There are so many mails I missed!
- kids came by and we spent the afternoon showing all the family heirlooms. My thought was they would know where things were if something happened.
- Now i was going to do my poetry workshop and I can’t. gotta let them know.