I try very hard not to write about family – except for Ezi who has no problem with my madness. But the Bar Mitzvah Omer went through at Beit Schecter really impressed me. Rabbi Roberto Arbiv managed to inspire us all to go to Friday night service, to go again during the week for the service in which he puts on tfilin, and then to go to the Mincha service and havdala on Saturday evening, He doesn’t spend much time explaining the torah portion but he manages to keep the attention of the congregation – a congregation that is often opposed to religion in general and needs to be brought into the entire ritual.
The first grandchild’s bar mitzvah was in an orthodox shul and sitting in the back on the second floor I heard nothing. And felt only a mild pride.
But sitting close to the stage, brought into the entire ceremony, and in gradually increasing stages, I was very moved. We were not allowed to film during shabbat, but the moment the havdalah candle was lit, that signals the end of the sabbath, everyone brought out their cellphones and went crazy – the sense of an apotheosis was palpable
MAZEL TOV to Omer from his cousin in Rochester NY USA .As they say ‘today you are a man”. I’m sure your Imma and Abba and Sabah and Savtah are very proud of you. 57 years ago your great Grandmother Dvora helped me prepare for this first big event in my life as well. L’dor Va Dor. Much happiness and success to you .L’chaim!
Please tell Omer that I’m sure his Imma and Abba must have been very proud of him on the occasion of his Bar Mitzvah and also his Saba and Savta. Now he is a man according to our religion. Great outfit he had on by the way . Much better than a suit.
I still remember my Bar Mitzvah 57 years ago. His Great Grandmother Dvora help me learn my portion at her kitchen table . I can still feel her looking down on me from the balcony of the Kippler Shul on Joseph Ave to make sure I did it right.