“The queen is dead and you’re listening to POETRY?” my friend from Metula writes as I text her to explain why I’m late to call her.  She really hit a nerve.  I was watching a few narcissists go way over their time slots and feeling that life is happening while these people are explaining their connection to Shlonsky.  And all that time, the queen who meant so much to me as a child, had passed.  One of the first books I read  when I finally learned to read was a biography of Elizabeth as a child.  How I admired her! I always admired her. 

But Shlonsky, himself, was great.  And Erez Biton showed his greatness by quoting long pieces of his work by heart.  Here’s a poem by him.






By the eyes that witnessed bereavement

and burdened my bowed heart with cries,

By the compassion that taught me forgiveness

until days came that prohibited pardon,

I contracted the vow to remember all,

to remember — and forget nothing.