israeli politics

Truth - 9.4.24

Having begun to digest Bibi’s speech of the other day, I have been considering the idea of truth in our times.  Like my old computer since Ezi tried to back it up into the new computer, wherever I click, I get a whole bunch of other interesting things – some of which lead me to something that make sense.  (Are you following?)  So I was looking for the idea of transfering files and came upon some statistics of population transfer in the West Bank.  The Arab population in the West Bank has increased by 350%  since 1967.  That’s from the UN.  

truth – 9.4.24 Read Post »

israeli politics

at a loss - 9.2.24

At Hersh Goldberg Polin’s funeral today, the mourners sang a prayer that is usually reserved for a few days of repentance  

Our Father, our King, forgive and respond

for we are at a loss

That sums it up.  I was sitting in a traffic jam at the Ramat HaSharon junction today because demonstrators had blocked it.  Later I got stuck elsewhere. 

I wasn’t one of the demonstrators today because I felt hopeless.  I can’t solve the problem.  Were there no human beings involved I would go for tough bargaining, but I would have given everything up immediately to get those people back. 

But then I heard Bibi asserting the need for stubborn negotiation and power and I realized that it isn’t going to happen, that participating in a demonstration isn’t what’s going to do it. 

And now I am at a loss  


at a loss – 9.2.24 Read Post »

israeli politics

Seriously - 9.1.24

אין לנו בית עד שכולם בבית

We have no home until everyone is home.

That’s what everyone is marching for tonight.  The redemption of hostages remains our highest value, and we can’t bargain and play that it’s not important the way people walk away from the salesman when buying a car.  No one is going to call us back and make a counter offer.  And we can’t afford to lose these people.  


Ser Read Post »

israeli politics

we're not on the titantic! - 9.1.24

Ever have the feeling we’re behaving like all is lost?  Well, here’s the truth.  We’re in mourning, yes.  But that’s because we made some big mistakes, we lost many many people we love, we don’t like war and we don’t hate our enemies.  We just want to live a nicer life.

(All right – this is a very far-fetched comparison.  But when I took the Titantic tour in Cobh last month I thought, there’s got to be something I can salvage from this tourist trap – and that’s my ticket.  So here it is.)

we’re not on the titantic! – 9.1.24 Read Post »

israeli politics

rain - 9.1.24

Everyone in Tel Aviv knew that even the sky was weeping for us.  The first rain of the year – a few minutes of downpour – always clears the air and brightens the colors of the city. 

But today, the news that 6 hostages were murdered days before their bodies were discovered, has shattered whatever remains of our hope for the future.  And then 3 policemen murdered in the West Bank.  The need to regain control of our government and get the deal done in Gaza, to pay attention to our thousands of homeless, to restart our government and economy, is so keen that every group in my whatsapp list is begging people to go to the center of Tel Aviv tonight to demonstrate.  A million people.

I have thought about the change in this blog in the past year, the fact that I can’t really write about my life in Tel Aviv any more because whatever happens in the country affects every single person.  And so many of us feel the same thing.  We’ve been trying to get ourselves out from under this oppressive leadership.  It’s true we don’t have alternatives, no leader who could replace the present prime minister, but we can’t remain with the one we have. I know that many people in Jerusalem don’t feel the same urgency as we do, but surely we could find a compromise.  I would never wish on them the human losses that the rest of the country have experienced, and I know that in many things we agree and feel a sense of unity, even family.

The rain, after all, falls on all of us.



Rain – 9.1.24 Read Post »