israeli politics

7 Fronts - 9.16.24

With war on seven fronts, Bibi has decided to fire the commander-in-chief and put in place some one with no experience in the military.  This is reason for a revolution.  Will we have the nerve?  I for one shudder when I think of demonstrating right now – I am too frail.  And yet, I can’t imagine where else in the world I could be in a situation like this.

So on the one hand we are making appointments for flu shots and on the other hand we’re updating our wills and making sure there are copies available to all.


7 Fronts – 9.16.24 Read Post »

israeli politics

From Every Direction - 9.15.24

Gaza, Yemen, Lebanon (Iran) – they’re all shooting at us.  Our government is crazier than ever. And I’m watching Alfred Hitchcock.  I’m at the point where escape is the only alternative.  



from every direction – Read Post »

israeli politics

Sympathy - 9.14.24

Someone asked me today if I have no sympathy for the Gazans.  And my heart would be full of sympathy if they hadn’t be causing us such grief and pain.  We tell each other about this all the time – making our own lives even more miserable – but the desperation doesn’t get out to the world.  I don’t have the exact numbers because some have left the country, some have found alternative lives elsewhere, but most of them have simply lost their souls.  My friend up north has begun to realize that she will never get back home, because even if there is a cease fire she is no longer capable of maintaining herself.  The blank looks of the people sitting in hotel lobbies haunt me.

In zooms, in the places in Israel untouched by rockets and trauma I see normal people, some scared, some scarred, some holding on, and some even optimistic about tomorrow.  But I don’t see that anyone outside this country knows about it. 

oh yes, Sinyuar knows.


sympathy – 9.14.24 Read Post »

israeli politics

in common – 9.13.24

in common - 9.13.24

What do Arabs and Jews in this neighborhood have in common right now?  Fear.  The mafia grenade that ignited a car that ignited a shop in Ramla is just the latest disaster visited on the poor Arab community.  I can’t forget what happened to Naim Araidi’s son in Maghrar.  

We should be taking care of every single person in the country, and we’re not taking care of anyone, especially not the Arab population.

We’re also not taking care of ourselves, and it is pretty clear that our country is being run by very unstable people and we are in trouble.



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in common – 9.13.24 Read Post »

israeli politics

Homeless 9.12.24

UPDATED REPORT: UN Silent on Displaced Israelis

I begin with this link to the UN watch site

I keep writing about the homeless people in Israel, how we have been trying to provide help to the displaced thousands but lately have let their disappear into the background.  With schools opening and no schools to go to, the families have been suffering more than ever, and we’re beginning to forget that they need new clothes and new toys.  But mostly, they need to go home.

And there’s no way.  My friend from Metula is contantly checking to see if her house blew up because the rockets are falling like rain.  The mayor usually informs them when this happens, but she is always thinking about it.

I began with this link to the UN watch site because it’s not only the UN that is ignoring this issue of refugees – but the rest of the world as well.  Have you seen any news about it?  Neither have I.  Perhaps Susan Sarandon should be informed….

UPDATED REPORT: UN Silent on Displaced Israelis

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Homeless – 9.12.24 Read Post »

israeli politics

Twisting the Knife - 9.11.24

If you watch any news on tv here, you know that they are very busy showing us the terrible conditions hostages live — and died — in.  The idea behind it is to put pressure on the government to remember that the sacredness of human life comes first in Judaism and it is sacrilege to forget that, but it is so horrendous it is breaking our broken hearts again and again.  I think that never in history has a people been so subject to psychological and physical torture.  Sure there was torture in ancient times too – but now you have to watch it as well. And for many, while you’re living in a tiny room, far from the home you built that is being bombed daily.


Twisting the Knife – 9.11.24 Read Post »

israeli politics

No News - 9.10.24

No.  It’s not that there is no news.  It’s too much for me to bear.  I’m putting on my earplugs and listening to music.  

Today we went to the beach, and since it was late in the afternoon but early in the evening, there were few people.  Nah, there were few people because everyone is depressed.  The sea is fine, the weather is just right, and kids aren’t in school.  

We have the perfect situation for depression – inhuman enemies and an inhuman government.  And a media that makes sure we know every rotten detail.


no news – 9.10.24 Read Post »

israeli politics

the mall today - 9.9.24

“I’ve never seen it so empty!” My favorite salesgirl sighed.  “This is the worst feeling we’ve ever had.  How could anyone go out shopping?”  I answered.  And her partner showed me the film today of her uncle’s house that was bombed today and destroyed.  The three of us sighed, and then we began remember how we all met almost 20 years ago and how every meeting was a celebration.

That did it for me.  I was going to buy face cream but I was so upset I grabbed a whole bunch of cosmetics I’m too old for, and then couldn’t find my card at the register.  I had thought the face cream would be a break from the gloom, but it wasn’t.  And it got to the point where I couldn’t function.

I hate writing about depression, because I know that every sad person in this country makes the Hamas laugh a little more, but when we saw the sewer that the six  hostages had been thrown into for months, so small that there was no way for them all to lie down and sleep, so unsanitary, so neglected, when we saw how they must have starved, and suffered before they were murdered, we all went into such a state of sadness we couldn’t think straight.

Is this the worst we will experience?  I doubt it.


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