I want to say a few words about the internal racism that has
A new book has come out about how the mizrachim have been screwed in Israel. I have to put in my two cents about this. As a person with a sephardic name I have a little bit of experience with stereotypes. Although I rejoiced in the family and the culture, I didn’t really notice any specific reaction to my name.
Except one. When my daughter took her time to learn how to read, the teacher had one suggestion for me. Perhaps we should have a few books in the house. I was too surprised to mention that I had rooms full of books, and I actually taught at a university. But now I wonder whether one of the reasons I had it so hard to fit in at work and society had something to do with my name.
There was only benefit from a Sephardic name. And I think of all my friends who are Mizrachim and are at the top of the ladder. You have to read Sasson Somekh’s autobiography. The quarrels existed, but they became major issues only when a negative term was used in a political rally decades ago and it became the basis for the ultimate success of Bibi, and he has coasted on the division and nurtured it ever since.
june 17, 2022 – jewish stereotypes Read Post »