israeli politics

I want to say a few words about the internal racism that has

A new book has come out about how the mizrachim have been screwed in Israel.  I have to put in my two cents about this.  As a person with a sephardic name I have a little bit of experience with stereotypes.  Although I rejoiced in the family and the culture, I didn’t really notice any specific reaction to my name.  

Except one.  When my daughter took her time to learn how to read, the teacher had one suggestion for me.  Perhaps we should have a few books in the house.  I was too surprised to mention that I had rooms full of books, and I actually taught at a university.  But now I wonder whether one of the reasons I had it so hard to fit in at work and society had something to do with my name.


There was only benefit from a Sephardic name.  And I think of all my friends who are Mizrachim and are at the top of the ladder.  You have to read Sasson Somekh’s autobiography.  The quarrels existed, but they became major issues only when a negative term was used in a political rally decades ago and it became the basis for the ultimate success of Bibi, and he has coasted on the division and nurtured it ever since.

june 17, 2022 – jewish stereotypes Read Post »

israeli politics

You know Tel Aviv is getting a light rail and a subway, right?  And you know the Chinese are building them, right?  And if you live in Tel Aviv, you know most of the streets are dug up and closed, and those that are open are so crowded with parked cars that there’s no room to drive through, right?  And there’s nowhere to park the car once you get there?   And still the prices of apartments have gone up so much it’s impossible to afford living there.  Here’s the reason – the Chinese want to make us move to those cities they’ve built for us in China!  

And maybe it’s not a bad idea…

june 16, 2022 – The Sea Read Post »

israeli politics

We’ve been warned not to go to Turkey, that the Iranians are trying to kidnap Israelis.  Even the Turkish authorities are working with Israel to get endangered tourists out of Istanbul, but a lot of people are simply not paying attention.  We’re so anxious to go on vacation, and we’re so mistrustful of the authorities, we’re willing to take the chance.

Not us.  We’re supposed to go abroad to visit friends next month, but not buying tickets.   

Furthermore, the numbers for corona are up and climbing, with no solution in sight.  There are doubts about the effectivity of the vaccine on the latest variant, and since most people don’t report or even test for Covid, we’re not taking the spread really seriously.   

Then there is the government, with Bibi jeering at its imminent fall.  I think they’ve been doing a great job considering the opposition in the knesset, but it is on its way out…

It’s like what my late mother-in-law used to joke:  my head hurts, my feet hurt, my stomach aches, pains in my chest, and I myself don’t feel that great either.  A friend called, and when I said I can’t move, she told me to take a Covid test.  I did – it was negative.  There is nothing physically wrong with me.     

So this is a formal kvetch – there are too many things to worry about at once.  Let’s get at least one of these problems solved…

june 15, 2022 – kvetch Read Post »

israeli politics

Sadly, A.B. Yehoshua, one of our most important writers,  passed away today.  His last days were active and I’m sure he used them well.  He constantly argued about the need for the society to pay more attention to literature and the arts, and he was so right.  We have dumbed down even more since the beginning of the epidemic.  

I am on my way to give a lecture on  the yiddish poet, Anna Margolin.  It will be in Hebrew with readings and music in Yiddish, with a few poems in English.  I can’t remember ever having to do a lecture in three languages.  At what point will I cave in?  Like the children in school who are about two grades behind in their learning skills, I’m back to stuttering grad school when it comes to explaining myself.

june 14, 2022 – A.B. Yehoshua Read Post »

israeli politics

What is vacation these days anyway?  My last trip was mostly running around for treatments and searching the net for restaurant deliveries while closed in a hotel room.  And since I’ve been back I’ve been working to catch up.  I figure I will finish with all the lectures I’ve promised by the end of June, and then begin with some refreshing of our apartment building (water leaks, cracks, etc) and then in August take off. 

But with all the warnings of Iranian revenge, we’re not going anywhere.  As much as I understand their need for revenge,  

june 13, 2022 – vacation Read Post »

israeli politics

By the Hebrew calendar today is Ezi’s birthday and since we really didn’t get to celebrate his birthday properly last week, it would be wonderful to have a great Ezi-day, with planes and motors and still like that.  We’re open to possibilities.

June 13, 2022 – birthday Read Post »

israeli politics

Every time I go to the new Anu museum I can’t figure out why it’s there.  It seems so ego-centric and shallow. But when I go with people from abroad, and I see how enthusiastic they are, I begin to see the point.  The things that seem so obvious to someone who lives here, is totally foreign to a native and vice versa…  And here the whole principle of it is the universality of the Jewish people. Give me a break.

I can think of a lot of other things to spend money on.  Hospitals.  Doctors.  Roads. Trains.  

june 11, 2022 – anu Read Post »

israeli politics

At least forty years ago the kids would come home from school with the news that there was a child in school named “Assaf Lotz. ”  We all would have a good laugh  – because it means “farted.” A little dirty grammar school humor.  

Now we’ve played it on the Iranians.  Their fake news that a Mossad commander had been killed led to a twitter that the real name of the commander was Asa Flotz.  And that led to jokes all over the web, and finally articles like here.  

We sat around at dinner laughing at the name, but I suddenly felt uncomfortable.  They’re not taking this as a joke, are they.  They have been humiliated and I don’t think that’s a good way to treat someone who wants to kill you.


june 10, 2022 – assaf Read Post »