Tel Aviv Diary - May 13, 2010 Karen Alkalay-Gut
May 13, 2010
Most of human relations depend on trust. When we don't trust someone, no matter why, everything they say seems to prove that distrust, and the reactions we invoke from our distrust encourage their negative behavior. A friend today complained about betrayal by her relatives, but I know both sides because I've heard the complaints of her relatives about her, and I know that both sides are simply blind with anger. My own attempts to mediate have been wasted, and I think I may be becoming suspicious by both sides.
But it is one thing for a family to fight, and another for peoples.
And what would be an error or a joke among friends becomes treason among enemies or suspected enemies.
I fear for both sides.
May 14, 2010
The Department of English and American Studies is proud to host the launch of the 21st issue of arc, the journal of the Israel Association of Writers in English on Thursday, May 20, 6:00 p.m. This launch will be celebrated with a reading from this issue, dedicated to war and peace, followed by a discussion among the writers of the challenges in writing about war and peace. Place: Webb Building, Room 01, Tel Aviv University.
May 15, 2010
I have had many wonderful experiences in the past few days, but nothing as amazing as the film we just saw on television, "Teacher Irena." Nurit told me about this film when she saw it last week at the documentary film festival, DocAviv, and I knew it would be an amazing film to see. A decade ago I saw the film "etre et avoir" about a teacher in a country school in France that was fascinating, but "Teacher Irena" is so much more complex because life is so much more complex here. A widow from Russia who gives her all to raising her young son and teaching third grade in a school of children from all backgrounds is a typical character in this country, but the strength of her character and will is so admirable and essential I was overwhelmed. And the lack of reward in this desperate environment - wow - how we identified!
We had kosher friends with us from the US so we had fish at Pappa's tonight. It was so much more successful than the dinner we had the other night at Suzanna's. Suzanna's: the long wait, the microwaved food, the touch of momentary superciliousness. I usually love it, and the food is great, but it was a little creaky because it was a Friday night. Pappa's: okay, we were being spoiled in part because the restaurant wasn't full, and because I always get spoiled there, and maybe I was especially hungry because all i had was a hotdog at the pool today... But I'd never eaten all the fish and vegetable dishes before and they were great.
May 16, 2010
We've been having a lot of activity at the university lately. Part of the story ishere
May 17, 2010
Don't get upset - I won't be online for the holiday. It's shira beMetula time. In fact, after a day like today, that began in Ichilov at 7, and has just now finished, it's time for time out. Let's hope that this holiday renews not only strength but human values. And the kind of love Ruth and Nomi had for each other.
See you Thursday.