July 17, 2015
I listen to the conversations with Iranian leaders and they sound so much nicer than Bibi. They smile a lot, and say beautiful things...
They also say it is Israel's fault that this situation has been created, that Iran has never been interested in nuclear weapons and it is only nuclear-armed Israel that has been stirring up the entire controversy. But if this is true why do they constantly threaten to blow Israel up? I crawled out of the house tonight to visit friends and returned healthy. Maybe we just need to get out more. hm? July 18, 2015
So people around here are really scared about this Iran deal. Even on TV people are not happy. If congress okays it it will be bad for us, but if it doesn't it will be bad for the u.s. On the other hand I had my first meal in days at Papas for breakfast. It will be my last meal out for a while, though, because Ezi is now sick. We had a morning together that was wonderful in Tel Aviv and then in the afternoon he came down with what I had. no. still have.
July 19, 2015 Now both of us are sick. I call the home visiting service. The Russian nurse asks if either of us are vomiting. Yes. Ezi. Okay, so we can't come. Go to the clinic. Get your kids to take you. I think about it for a minute, imagine the complications involved, thank her, and choose home care. My Jewish friends from the US have given up on me. I'm a lousy correspondent, but it's worse. Every time they talk to me they visualize Bibi. He's the face of this country and the individuals in this country. July 20, 2015 You don't want to hear about my day. it's my grandson's birthday and I'm still housebound, yea, e'en bedridden. I've missed my grandson's birthday, another gym class, a manicure, passport photograph, and all the things i was going to do last week. A friend sent me an article about loving Tel Aviv and I melted. Why am I not there? I know that lifeguard. I know those streets. Darn July 21, 2015 As a member of the board of the Yiddish Writers Association, I had a fairly smooth time until last year - the idea was to keep the old people satisfied and interested and interest young people as much as possible. But last year a fight for leadership began and I've suddenly lost interest. I have too many fights in life to add control issues over real estate. And whose side to be on? it's like choosing between Assad and the Syrian rebels. Mark my words = there will be no Syria in 5 years, nor will there be a Yiddish Writers' Association.