Tel Aviv Diary - February 14-18, 2015 - Karen Alkalay-Gut

February 14, 2015

a day of love. let this be one of 365 days of love.

we don't see it ahead, do we. we see the wars and hatred in the future. but here and there i see glimpses of what could be. in individuals mostly. in some groups.

February 15, 2015

We read poetry in The Little Prince Book Store last night. Enough said.

Actually we had a lovely brunch with all kinds of interesting people yesterday. Right wing, left wing - actually talking to each other without blocking the other out. The only problem is no one came to any conclusions. no one sees exactly how the future can be rosy.

or even possible.

February 16, 2015

Not since Amnon Lifkin Shachak have I admired a commander of the defense forces like I admired Benny Ganz. As a human being. I even watched the changing of command today on television, and saw the way the soldiers surrounded him as if he were a rock star. i'm sure Eisencott will be fine, but I will miss Ganz.

February 18, 2015

couldn't get in to my account yesterday. the password got changed, and wouldnt change again. am I the victim of a hacker? have I lost my touch? The university has phsihing attempts daily, and there are mails I don't answer because they are suspecious.

Even Yahoo seems jumpy.

Maybe it's the coming elections that making the computers uncertain. I mean that some people predict that the statistics are all wrong because most people don't want to reveal their opinions to a computer, don't want to participate in statistical readings, don't even have time to answer questionnaires even if they felt like it.Too busy trying to feed their family.

February 18, 2015

As we hunker down before the big storm tomorrow we're waiting to see how the weather turns for us. It will be much eaeier to figure out what the options are in the tricky rain-snow-storm in this hot climate, than figuring out what kind of government can be put together after the elections. No matter what the results we're going to have a mess. An unbearable combination.

I'm supposed to go to hydrotherapy tomorrow (after a long break) and I can be sure that a hail storm or some other natural disaster will break my heart and keep me home. Maybe I'll get some work done...

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