Karen Alkalay‑Gut, Ph.D. <

Department of English>

Tel Aviv University




Date and Place of Birth: 1945 ‑ London, England.







1.      ARTICLES. 6

2.      REVIEWS. 9

3.      EDITED BOOKS. 11

4.      INTERVIEWS. 11




DRAMA.. 15

































(A) BOOKS AND MONOGRAPHS                                                                        

1. Alone in the Dawn: The Life of Adelaide Crapsey.  Athens: University of Georgia Press, December 1988. Reprinted 2008.


2.  Open Secret: Poetry and Popular Culture.                 


(B) REFEREED ARTICLES                                                                       

1)    “The Decline of the Waistline: A Study of the Shape of the Classic American Heroine,” American Studies International XIX, 1, Autumn, 1980, 39‑50.                                                               

2)    “Poetry by Women in America: Aesthetics in Evolution,” The Canadian Review of American Studies 14, 3, Autumn, 1983, 239‑57.                 


3)    “The Birth of the Poet’s Mind:  Theodore Roethke’s ‘Where Knock Is Open Wide’,” Contemporary Poetry V, 2, 1983, 17‑41.                               


4)    “Quilting Significance: ‘A Jury of Her Peers’,” Studies in Short Fiction, V. 21, No. 1, Winter, 1984, 1‑9. Reprinted in: A Casebook on “A Jury of Her Peers,” ed. Linda Ben Zvi, University of Michigan Press, 1998.          


5)    “Death, Order, and Poetry: ‘The Presentation Piece’ of Adelaide Crapsey,”  American Literature, May 1985, 263‑290.                   


6)    “’Keeping the Edge of Deprivation Sharp’:  Adelaide Crapsey’s “To the Dead in the Grave‑Yard Under my Window’,”  The Explicator V. 43, No. 2, Winter 1985, 25‑28.                                          

7)    “Lilies that Fester:  A Reading of Rich’s ‘An Unsaid Word’,” The Explicator V. 43, No. 2, Winter, 1985, 53‑56.                                                                                                         


8)    “Woman in a Trap: Pope’s ‘Eloisa to Abelard’,” College Literature V. XIII No. 3, Fall, 1986, 272‑285. Reprinted in: College Literature V. XV No. 3, Fall 1988, 249‑262 (Special 15th Anniversary Edition of Best Articles in College Literature).                                                                         

9)    “Form and the Feminist Revolution,” Poesis, 7:1, 1986, 35‑54.                      


10) “Subversion and Success: Louisa May Alcott’s ‘Behind a Mask’,” Journal of Popular Literature V. II, No. 2, Fall/Winter, 1986, 83‑98.


11) “The Dying of Adelaide Crapsey,” Journal of Modern Literature V. 13, No. 2, July, 1986, 225‑250.      


12)  “Theodore Roethke’s ‘The Moment’: Mysticism Through the Senses,” Poesis V. 7, No. 3, 1986, 38‑46. http://www.karenalkalay-gut.com/ROETHKE.htm


13)  “Taking Nonsense Seriously:  A Look at Jabberwocky’,” The Explicator V. 46, No. 1, Fall 1987, 27‑31.  Reprinted in Kennedy, X. J., The Craft of Literature CD-ROM (eighth edition) Longman, 2002.


14) “The Main Thing:  Anne Sexton’s ‘Housewife’,” The Explicator V. 47, No. 2, Winter 1989, 52‑54.                  


15) “Israeli Women Poets and the War in Lebanon,” World Literature Today  V. 63, No. 1, winter 1989, 19‑26.  Reprinted in: Israel Horizons, V. 37, No. 1, Spring 1989, 6‑13.                                        

16) “’Am I Tenor Or Am I Vehicle?’:  Sylvia Plath’s ‘Metaphors’,” The Explicator, V. 50, No. 3, Spring, 1992, 189‑192.  Reprinted in Kennedy, X. J., The Craft of Literature CD-ROM (eighth edition) Longman, 2002


17)  “’If Mark Twain Had a Sister’:  Gender‑Specific Values and Structure in Jean Webster’s Daddy Long‑Legs,” Journal of American Culture, Winter, 1993, V. 16, #4, 91-99.                 


18) “Modernism and the Household Genius,” William Carlos Williams Review.  Spring 1994, V. 20, #1, 61-65.


19) “Ernest Dowson and the Strategies of Decadent Desire,” Criticism xxxvi, #2 Spring, 1994, 243-263. http://www.karenalkalay-gut.com/Dowson.html


20) “Overcoming Time and Despair: Ernest Dowson’s Villanelle,” Victorian Poetry 34, 1, 101-7, Spring 1996.  http://karenalkalay-gut.com/dowvill7a.html


21) “Sex and the Single Engine: E.E. Cummings and an Experiment in Metaphoric Equation,” Journal of Modern Literature, 20, Winter, 1996, #2, 254-259.


22) “Swinburne's Twisted Circle: The Logic of ‘A Match’,” Victorian Institutes Journal , 24, 1996, 141-163. http://www.karenalkalay-gut.com/match20.html


23) “The Thing he Loves: Murder as Aesthetic Experience in ‘The Ballad of Reading Gaol,’” Victorian Poetry 35:3 Fall, 1997, 349-366. http://vp.engl.wvu.edu/fall97/gut.htm


24) “Aesthetic Perversions and Swinburne's “Les Noyades,” Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies, 6, Spring, 1997, 52-65.  http://karenalkalay-gut.com/noyad18.html


25) “Literary Dialogues: Rock Music and Victorian Poetry,” Poetics Today, Vol. 21, No. 1, Spring 2000, 33-61.


26) "Double Diaspora: English Writing in Israel," Judaism Vol. 51, No. 4, Fall 2002, 457-468.


27) “Getting Women to Talk about Themselves: My Role Models of the Previous Generation,” Nashim, 7, Spring 2004, 212-216.


28) “The Dream Life of Ms. Dog: Anne Sexton's Revolutionary Use of Pop Culture," College Literature 32.4 (Fall 2005), 50-73.


29) “The Poetry of September 11 – The Testimonial Imperative," Poetics Today Vol. 26, No. 2, Summer 2005, 257-279.


(C) CHAPTERS IN BOOKS                                                               

1)    “Learning to Love Mother: Candace Flynt’s Mother Love,” Chapter III, Mother Puzzles, ed. M. Pearlman, Greenwood Press, December 1989, 23‑34


2)     “For We Swallow Magic and Deliver Anne: Anne Sexton and Her Name,”  The Anna Book, ed. M. Pearlman, Greenwood Press, September 1992, 139-151.


3)    “Adrienne Rich,” in American Jewish Women Writers, ed.  Ann Shapiro, Gre enwood Press, September 1994, 333-342.


4)      “Murder and Marriage: Susan Glaspell and the Perspective of Women,” in Selected Criticism on Susan Glaspell, ed. Linda Ben Zvi, University of Michigan Press, 1995, 71-81.


5)    “Aesthetic and Decadent Poetry,” The Cambridge Companion to Victorian Poetry, ed. Joseph Bristow, Cambridge University Press, 2000. 228-254.


6)    “Jean Webster,” Dictionary of American Biography: American Women Writers 1880-1920, 2001.


7)    Adelaide Crapsey,” Encyclopedia of American Poetry: The Twentieth Century, Fitzroy-Dearborn, 2001. 149-150.


8)    Adelaide Crapsey,” Companion to 20th Century Poetry, Facts on File, Ed. Burt Kimmelman, New York: Checkmark Books, 2005. 106-107.


9)     “Housewife,” Companion to 20th Century Poetry Facts on File, Ed. Burt Kimmelman, New York: Checkmark Books, 2005. 220-221.


10)  “Theodore Roethke,” Companion to 20th Century Poetry, Facts on File, Ed. Burt Kimmelman, New York: Checkmark Books, 2005. 429-430.


11) "Jewish American Poetry," The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Multiethnic American Literature, Ed. Emmanuel S. Nelson, Westport, Connecticut and London: Greenwood Press, 2005. 1168-1174.


12) "Erica Jong," Enclyclopedia of Erotic Literature, V. 1, New York: Routledge, 2006, 705-709.


13) "The Anglo-Israeli Writer: Double Identities in Troubled Times," Anglophone Jewish Writing, ed. Axel Stahler. Routledge, 2007. 195-208.


14) “The Thing he Loves: Murder as Aesthetic Experience in ‘The Ballad of Reading Gaol,’” Victorian Poetry 35:3 Fall, 1997, 349-366. http://vp.engl.wvu.edu/fall97/gut.htm reprinted in Poetry Criticism:Extracts from Criticism of the Works of the Most Significant and Widely Studied Poets of World Literature, Vol III,  ed. Michelle Lee.  Gale Cengage Learning, 2011. 297-306.






OTHER PUBLICATIONS                                                                    

1.     ARTICLES   

1)    “The Pull of Madness: Blackness in American Literature” (Hebrew), Proza, Nov. 1981, 54.          

2)    מודעות עד כאב: אדריאן ריץ'" “ “Adrienne Rich,”  Moznaim LV, No. 4‑5, 1982, 33‑4.             

3)     “The Lesbian Imperative in Poetry,”  Contemporary Review, V. 242, No. 1407, April 1983, 209‑212. Reprinted in An Anthology of Gay/Lesbian Writing.  Tel Aviv, 1994.


4)    “Problems in Literary Herstory: Chaucerian Msconceptions,” Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses April 1983, 73‑78.


5)    "תיאדור רטקה: משורר הטבע האבוד"  “Theodore Roethke: Poetry of Lost Nature” (Hebrew). Moznaim, September 1983, 24‑26


6)    “The Man Who Escaped from the Plot: An Alternative Reading of Hawthorne’s ‘Wakefield’,” Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses V. 14, No. 7, November 1983, 95‑98.


7)    “English Writing in Israel,” American Book Review V. 6, No. 3, March/April 1984, 4‑5. 


8)    “Poetry and Politics,” Hoopoe International , Vol. 1, No.1, Jerusalem, 1988, 39-41.


9)    "שומר החלומות: לנגסטון היוז" “The Dream Keeper: Langston Hughhes” (Hebrew), Moznaim April 1988, 37‑39. 


10) “Preface,” The Sea in Not Full: Poems.  Jane Lunin Perel. Tel Aviv: Ledory, 1990. Unpaginated


11) “Forum,” with Phyllis Lassner and Hanita Goodblatt, PMLA October, 1992, 1281-2.


12) “Women and the Gulf War: A Personal Perspective,” Kerem, Winter 1994, 27-34. Reprinted in Imagination (U. of Ankara), V. I, Number 1. 


13) “Notes on Writing in English in Tel Aviv,” Modern Poetry in Translation New Series, #4. Winter 1993-4, 13-16.                                                                    


14) “All Poetryed-Out,” Connect: The Journal of the British Council, February, 1995, 12.   


15) “A Poetry Tour of London,”  Home Planet News 39, Summer, 1995, 5, 9-10.


16) “The Experience Of The Holocaust In Israeli Rock Music,” (Hebrew) HaDoar, 1995.


17) “The English Writer in Israel,” Tel Aviv Review 4, 1996, 17-19.


18) “One Woman, 2 Marriages, 3 Cultures, 4 Names,” Lilith Vol. 21, No. 4, Winter 1996-1997, 10-11.


19) The Experience Of The Holocaust In Israeli Rock Music,”  HaDoar. http://www.karenalkalay-gut.com/HOLO4.htm


20) “English Writing in Israel Today,”  arc 13 , 1998, 1-13.


21) “Rock כשירה של האוונגרד,” Moznaim, May, 1999, 38-40.


22) "הסיפור האישי, מסה" Rav Kol 1, 1999, 16-17.


23) “The War: A Lesson in History,” A Teacers’ Corner, 2000. http://www.apoetborn.com/tc-archive/tc-war.cfm


24) “English Writing in Israel Today,” arc 13, Summer, 1999, 1-13.


25) “All God’s Children Need Radios” (On Israeli Radio) enRoute Magazine, October, 1999. http://www.karenalkalay-gut.com/enroute2.htm


26) “Belly Dancing Gear,” Goodlookin Summer/Fall 1999, 20-5.


27) “Brides and Their Messages,”  Goodlookin,  Summer/Fall 2000.


28) “We are Not A Muse: Who Inspires Women Poets?” Esra  Feb-Mar 2000, 32.


29) “Generations,” Kibbutz Trends 43-4, Winter 2001, 20-22.


30) “Yehuda Amichai,” The Source, Issue # 27, May 2002. http://thesourceisrael.com/issue27/intimate.shtml


31) “Purim in Rochester, New York,” Esther’s Legacy: Celebrating Purim Around the World, Ed. Barbara Vinick, Hadassah, 2002. 105.


32) “In Memoriam: Binyamin Katz,” Epirion # 80, 2003. 11-12.


33) “Recent Developments in English Writing in Israel,” Ph’atitude, 2004.


34) “A Lesson in History.” A Teacher’s Corner, in A Poet Born. http://www.apoetborn.com/tc-archive/tc-war.cfm


35) “The Search for the Perfect Opening Poem,” Performance Poetry, May 2003. http://www.suite101.com/print_article.cfm/4847/98766


36) “Introduction,” and Back-Cover-Text, Quest for Peace of Heart, by Massarwa Osama, Taibe: Al-Taybah, 2003.


37) "Introduction," A Taste for Translation: Anthology, by Binyamin Katz, Tel Aviv, 2004.


38) "Yeats – Hunger for Life and Love," Psefas, 57, Spring-Summer 2004. 35-36. (Hebrew).


39) “Triple Heritage,” Jewish Quarterly, 194, September 2004. 65-69.


40) "The English Department of Tel Aviv University: A Brief Survey of an Expansive Subject," Ha'aretz (English Edition), Education Supplement, May 27 2005. 14-15.


41) “Of Course It Is True that Translations Cannot Be Simultaneously Beautiful and Faithful,” Poésie & Art 7, 2005. 39-40.


42) "Introduction," A Taste of Translation – Yiddish Poetry. Trans. Benjamin Katz. Tel Aviv, 2004. 9-11.


43) “Poetry and Translation,” Poésie & Art: Forum des Poétes, 7, 2005, 39-40.


44)  “Kurt Gerron: Prisoner of Paradise,”  All About Jewish Theatre, February 5, 2006. « http://www.jewish-theatre.com/visitor/article_display.aspx?articleID=1707&refpage=http%3a%2f%2fwww.jewish-theatre.com%2fvisitor%2fsection_display.aspx%3fsectionID%3d1%26ishomepage%3dyes


45) “A Month of the Terror: Excerpts from a Tel Aviv Diary,” Jerusalem Review 5-6, 2006. 159-181.


46) London and Me,” Jerusalem Review 5-6, 2006. 324-327.


47) לרומם את החושים, An Afterward to Alfred Tennyson: Selected Poems (in Hebrew). Trans. Eliezra Eig-Zakov. Keshev Publishing House, 2009. 101-105.


48) “Second Class Writers,”  Haaretz, November 11, 2011  http://www.haaretz.com/print-edition/opinion/second-class-writers-1.394923






2.     REVIEWS


1)    “No Exit: Eda Zorritte’s In the Roman Way,” Modern Hebrew Literature V. 4, No. 3, Winter 1978, 32‑24. 


2)    “The ‘Stirring Conversation’:  American Literature and The Bleeding Heart,” Atlantis V. 2, No. 1, Autumn 1983, 129‑132.                                                                                             


3)    “Jean Webster, Storyteller,” Atlantis V. 9, No. 1, Autumn 1985, 167‑170.                    


4)    “Savage Grace,” American Book Review V. 8, No. 6, Nov.- Dec., 1986, 21‑2.        


5)    "אפשרויות לפרייל"  “Possibilities for Priel” (Hebrew), HaDoar April 1986, 18‑19. 


6)    “Me and DiMaggio,” American Book Review V. 9, No. 2, March‑April 1987, 9.   


7)    “The Grammar of Existence: Yaakov Shabtai, Past Perfect,” American Book Review V. 9, No. 5, Nov‑Dec 1987, 20.      


8)    “The Love of Real Miracles:  Shulamit Hareven, The Miracle Hater,” American Book Review, V. 11, No. 4, September-October 1989, 13-15.                                                                                                         

9)    “Brenda  Maddox. Nora: The Real Life of Molly Bloom,” Kennesaw Review V. 2, No. 3, Summer 1989, 102‑105.                                                                                  


10) "אני שומע את אמריקה שרה"  “I Hear America Singing: American Poetry” edited by Odded  Peled (Hebrew),  Moznaim, April 1990, 46. 


11) “Midrash Madness: David Curzon’s Midrashim,” Jerusalem Post, December 4, 1991, 4.


12) “Psychological Specimen: A Review of Anne Sexton: A Biography by Diane Wood Middlebrook,” American Book Review Vol. 13, No. 5, December 1991 / January 1992, 12.


13) “Our Mothers Never Told Us:  Menopause and the Turn of the Century ‑  The Dangerous Age,”  American Book Review, Vol. 15, No. 2, June-July, 1993, 8.                                     


14) “The Fan of Swords: The Poetry of Mohammed Al‑Maghut,” American Book Review, Vol. 15, No. 3, August-September 1993, 9. Reprinted in Hebrew in HaDoar, December. 1993                                   

15) “Fictional Freedom: Judith Chernaik’s Love’s Children,” American Book Review, Vol. 15. No. 5, December-January, 1994, 31.   


16) “Zero Time:  Edmund Pennant’s Askance and Strangely,” American Book Review Vol. 16, No. 6, March-May, 1995, 11.      


17) “Beyond Borders: The Poetry of Elaine Feinstein,” Jewish Quarterly Summer 1995, 67-68.


18) What Are You Looking For? Finders by Julie Parson-Nesbitt.” American Book Review, September, 1996.


19) “Body’s Beauty,” Victorian Studies, May 1999.


20) Review of Kathy Alexis Psomiades, Beauty's Body: Femininity and Representation in British Aestheticism, Nineteenth Century Literature, Vol. 54, No. 1, June 1999. http://www.ucpress.edu/scan/ncl-e/541/reviews/alkalay-gut.rev541.html


21) Internet discussion of poetry, ed. Moshe Ben Arroch, Ygdrasil http://www.synapse.net/kgerken/



22) “A Woman Walks into a Bar: Kim Addonizio’s Tell MeAmerican Book Review. Vol. 22, Issue 4, May/June 2001.


23) “Being Faithful to Fidelity: A Review of Susan Glaspell’s Novel,” http://www.womenwriters.net/bookreviews/glaspellreview.html


24) “The Taste of Two Worlds: Rochelle Mass.” Kibbutz Trends, September 2001. Reprinted in Poetry Magazine, http://poetrymagazine.com/archives/2001/October01/mass_by_alkalay_gut.htm


25) “Every Home Is Borrowed Anyway: Ruth Setton’s Road to Fez,” American Book Review. Vol. 23, Issue 2, January/February 2002. http://www.litline.org/ABR/issues/Volume23/Issue2/Alkalay-Gut.pdf


26)  Lava and Lavender,Esra,  September-October 2006, 73. http://www.esramag.com/Dynamic.asp?p=1&cid=7482


27)  “No Heaven: Alicia Ostriker,” American Book Review, Vol. 28, 1, October/November, 2006, 31.


28)   Circe, After Hours: Marilyn Kallet,” Prairie Schooner, Volume 80, Number 4, Winter 2006.


29) “Survivors: Chava Rosenfarb,” Interdisciplinary Literary Studies: A Journal of Criticism and Theory, Vol. 9, Number 2, Spring, 2008, 123-5.

30) "Challenge and Comfort: Review of Robert Alter's Translation of the Psalms", The Jerusalem Report, Issue 15, November 10, 2008.








1. The Tel Aviv Review (Special Issue), No. 4, 1996.


2. The Jerusalem Review, 1997- present.


3. P.E.N. Israel Anthology: A Collection of Recent Writing in Israel. Tel Aviv: PEN, 1997.


4. English Poetry from Israel. Tel Aviv: IAWE, 1997.


5. 2006: Co-Editor Cultural and Poetic Inquiry: Intersecting Poetry and Criticism



6. The Jerusalem Review, No. 5-6, 2007.


7. Parnassus: An Innovative Journal of Literary Criticism, Vol. 1, 2009.


8. ARC 21, 2010.




4.     INTERVIEWS                                                                                     

1.     Interview with Maxine Kumin, Iowa Woman V. 7, No. 4, December 1987. 12‑18. 

2.     Interview with Danny Horowitz, Theater in Israel, ed. Linda Ben Zvi.  Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 1996. 349-354.                              

3.     Interview with Erica Jong, Jerusalem Review, 2, 1997/1998. 162-174.

4.     Interview with Moshe Benarroch, archipelago Vol. 7, No. 1, Spring 2003. http://www.archipelago.org/vol7-1/recommend.htm

5.     Interview with Robert Friend. http://www.karenalkalay-gut.com/RFRIEND3.htm

6.     Interview with Shimon Peres (with Gabriel Moked), Jerusalem Review, 5-6, 2006. 34-51.



(E) TRANSLATIONS INTO ENGLISH MADE BY ALKALAY‑GUT                                          


1)       Asher Reich, “Our Blood,” “Bathsheba,” “Haifa in Winter,” Ariel, 53, 1983, 102‑3. 

2)       ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑“What Shall He Do,” “Haifa In Winter,” “Bathsheba,” Home Planet News, 22 (Vol. 5, No. 4) 1986, 16‑17. 

3)       ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑“Our Blood is the World’s Petrol,” Massachusetts Review, XXVII 2, 1986, 193. 

4)       David Avidan, “Talks,” Cryptograms From a Telestar, Tel Aviv: Now, 1980, 19‑23. Reprinted in arc, 1993.

5)       ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑“Practical Poems,” Massachusetts Review, XXVII, no.2, 1986, 195. 

6)       Mordechai Geldmann, “The Wholly City,” Metaphysical Reflection 27,” “Transparent Minotaur,” Jerusalem Quarterly, 26, Winter 1983, 81‑3. 

7)       ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑“The Hollow City,” Home Planet News, Vol. 5, No. 4 1986, pp. 16‑17. 

8)       ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑“The Plant,” Midstream, August/September, 1986, 26‑7. 

9)       Natan Zach, “Script,” Massachusetts Review, XXVII, No.2, 1986, 196‑7. 

10)      Yehuda Amichai, “On Rabbi Kook’s Street,” Massachusetts Review, XXVII, 2, 1986, 194. 

11)      ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑“Dante Coffee House 1,” “Dante Coffee House 2,” “Dante Coffee House 3,” Amelia, V. V, #3, 1989, 126‑7. 

12)      ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑“I Guard the Children in the School Yard,” and “New York University,” Prairie Schooner, V. 62, No. 2, Summer 1988, 79‑81. 

13)      Natan Yonatan, “Terminal,” Massachusetts Review, XXVII, No.2, 1986, 198‑9.

14)      ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑“Absalom,” Poet Lore 81, No. 2, Summer 1986. 

15)      ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑“Friends,” “And the Rotem,” Home Planet News, Vol. 5, No. 4 1986 pp. 16‑17. 

16)      ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑“Only the Oxygen Tent,” New Traditions. 

17)      ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑“Shores,” “Letter,” “Gold Acacia,” Wind‑Prayer,” Midstream Vol. XXXII, No. 9, 1986. 

18)      Raquel Chalfi, “What the Sunflower Said,” Home Planet News, 22 (Vol. 5 No.4), 1986, pp 16‑17. 

19)      Eyal Megged, “Stigmata,” Home Planet News, 22 (Vol. 5 No. 4), 1986, pp. 16‑17.

20)      ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑“Parting in Tivon,” “When I wrote My Name,” Poet Lore 81 No. 2, Summer 1986. 

21)      Ben Zion Ben Moshe, “Go Thee,” Home Planet News, 22 (Vol. 5 No. 4), 1986, 16‑17. 

22)      Arie Sivan, “If I Had,” Home Planet News, 22 (Vol. 5 No.4), 1986 pp. 16‑17. 

23)      ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑“Proposal to a Tourist,” Midstream, Vol XXXII, No. 9, November, 1986. 

24)      Yona Wollach, “Feelings,” Home Planet News, 22 (Vol. 5 No. 4), 1986 pp. 16‑17. 

25)      Dan Pagis, “Fragments of a Lament to A Friend,” Midstream, August/ September 1986, 14. 

26)      Yehuda Amichai, “I Guard the Children in the Schoolyard,” “Late Wedding,” “A Dangerous Land,” “Evening with the Children,” “Freed,” “The One and Only Door,” “The Laundry Basement,” “In a Rustic Inn on Germany,” and “From Man you are and to Man You Shall Return,” Tel Aviv Review, 1, Jan 1988, 9‑27. 

27)      Mordechai Geldmann, “A Plant, “Mr. Death,” Tel Aviv Review, January 1988, V. 1, 289‑292. 

28)      Raquel Halfi, “Painful Yellow, “Cypress will Forever Arise,” Tel Aviv Review, January 1988, V. 1, 293‑298. 

29)      Asher Reich, “Desire,” “Cards and Love,” “Haifa in Winter,” Tel Aviv Review, January 1988, V. 1, 346‑347. 

30)      Ronny Somech, “The Virgins,” “How to Know the Age of a Horse,” Tel Aviv Review, January 1988, V. 1, 349‑352. 

31)      Abba Kovner, “At A Hotel,” Poetics: A Spice Box,” Israel Horizons, Spring, 1988, 22. 

32)      Zelda Mishovsky, “Each Man Has A Name,” New Traditions, Spring, 1989. Rpt. in Yitzhak Rabin – In Memoriam, Tel Aviv: English Association of Writers in English, December 1995, 19.

33)      Raya Harnick, “Your Socks,” “And At Night,” Lips, Spring, 1987. 

34)      Yehudit Cafri, “Behind the Lines,” Lips, Spring, 1988. 

35)      Giora Leshem, “My Mother’s Tongue,” Midstream, Spring, 1988, reprinted in Prism, V 3, Spring 2011,   71

36)      Yehuda Amichai, “Iguard the Children in the School Yard,” “New York University,” Prairie Schooner, Summer 1988, 79-80.

37)      ---------- “Jaffa Port,” Modern Hebrew Literature, Spring, 1989, No.2.  

38)      Yehuda Amichai, “Miracles,” Partisan Review. 

39)      ----------- “Dante Coffee House in New York,” Amelia Vol. V, No. 3, 1989, 126-127.

40)      Mordechai Geldmann, “Dream Girl,” Modern Hebrew Literature, Spring, 1989, No. 2. 

41)      Natan Yonatan, “Jaffa,” Modern Hebrew Literature, Spring, 1989, No. 2. 

42)      Asher Reich, “Heard on the Boardwalk,” Modern Hebrew Literature, Spring 1989, No. 2. 

43)      Arie Sivan, “A Miracle,” Modern Hebrew Literature, Spring, 1989, No. 2. 

44)      Mordechai Geldmann, “Spring,” “Bread,” Tel Aviv Review, III. 

45)      Azriel Kaufman, “Wisdom,” Bitterroot, V XXVIII, Summer 1989, #96, 49. 

46)      Yehuda Amichai, “What I learned in the Wars,” American Voice, September 1989, 74‑5. 

47)      Gabriela Elisha, “She Had Long Wings,” The Tribe of Dina, Boston: Beacon, 1989, 238‑9. 

48)      Yehuda Amichai, “We Did What Was Expected of Us,” Partisan Review Vol LVII Number 3, 429-30. Reprinted in Harpers, November, 1990, 30.

49)      Azriel Kaufman, “The Wisdom of Animals, “A Man Turns to the Mountain,” and “Kinneret,”  Ariel 91, 1993, 16-17.

50)      Rachel Halfi, “What the Sunflower Said,” LIPS 17, 1993, 44.

51)      Yehudit Cafri, “Behind the Lines,” LIPS 17 1993, 36

52)      Zelda, “Each Man,” LIPS 17, 1993, 108

53)      Hana Senesh, “My God,” LIPS 17, 1993, 130.

54)      Mordechai Geldmann, “The Friendly Dragon,” Mishkenot, 1993

55)      Yehuda Amichai, “Miracles,” Poetry New York

56)      Yehuda Amichai, “Ashkelon Beqch,” International Quarterly, Vol. 1, No. 3, p. 102.

57)      Elan Schoenfeld,  “night of war 1, night of war 6” International Quarterly

58)      Elan Schoenfeld, “Night of War 1” Poetry  New York  

59)      Yehuda Amichai, “Now She Breathes,” “Miracles,” “My Mother Died on Shevuot, Modern Poetry in Translation New Series, #4. Winter 1993-4, 16-17.

60)      Ronny Someck, “Red Riding Hood,” “Snow White in Jellazun Refugee Camp,” “Five Lines on Tom Thumb,” “Gretel,” Modern Poetry in Translation New Series, #4. Winter 1993-4, 90-92

61)      Natan Yonatan, “From the Hospital,” “What Happens to Me in Dreams,” Ariel, 98, November 1994, pp. 86, 88.

62)      Yehuda Amichai, “And Who Will Remember Those Who Remember?”  Prairie Schooner, Winter 1995, 133-135.

63)      Mordechai Geldman, “Porno,” Michigan Quarterly Review, September, 1995

64)      Rony Someck, “Kikar Malkey Yisrael. The Day After,” Yitzhak Rabin – In Memoriam, Tel Aviv: English Association of Writers in English, December 1995, 4.

65)      Dahlia Ravikovitch, “An Unsatisfactory Answer To the Question,” Yitzhak Rabin – In Memoriam, Tel Aviv: English Association of Writers in English, December 1995, 7.

66)      Mordechai Geldmann, “Bread,” “Spring,” Object Lesson #11,  1996, 19-23.

67)      Naim Araidi, “Quiet in the Village,” “If Only,” “From Season to Season,” “In Memory of Farid El Atrash,” Back to the Village.  Herzlia: Levant, 1994.

68)      Nazih Khere, “Identity," Bread for This Hunger, Ed. Linda Clifton. Seattle, Washington: Crab Creek Review Association, 1996. 3-5.

69)      Yehuda Amichai, “The Body Is the Reason for Love,” “A Memory of Love – What Will Be?,” “Jerusalem 1985,” Bread for This Hunger, Ed. Linda Clifton. Seattle, Washington: Crab Creek Review Association, 1996. 1-3.

70)      Sabena Messag, “Defection,” “Like Couples in Movies,” Bread for This Hunger, Ed. Linda Clifton. Seattle, Washington: Crab Creek Review Association, 1996. 7-8.

71)      Itzik Manger, “Queen Vashti Goes to Her Hanging,” Living Text, 2, Winter 1997, 6.

72)      Asher Reich, “The Book,” Living Text, 5, 1999, 5.

73)      -------------, “Words for a Photograph,” Ariga. http://www.ariga.com/visions/poetry/ashereich001.shtml

74)      Asher Reich, “The Universe Has Vanished,” “Listen to Me Deaf Love,” “The Flight Goes On,” Ariga. http://www.ariga.com/visions/poetry/asher.shtml

75)      Yehuda Amichai, “On Rabbi Kook’s Street,” Ariga. http://www.ariga.com/visions/poetry/amihai01.shtml

76)      Yehuda Amichai, “A color painting with a plowman,” “Memorial Days are now over,” “I know a man who made himself the ideal woman of his desires,” “I believe with perfect faith in the resurrection of the dead,” “Even for solitary prayer two are needed,” The Jerusalem Review, 4, 1999/2000, 24-26.

77)      Iris Le'al, “Do-It-Yourself Death,” The Drunken Boat Spring 2000 Issue 1. http://www.thedrunkenboat.com/lealpoetry.htm

78)      Tomer Ben Zion, “Letter from the Land of the Dead,” The Drunken Boat Spring 2000 Issue 1. http://www.thedrunkenboat.com/benzionpoetry.htm

79)      Leah Rudnitsky, “Birds Are Dreaming on the Branches,” The Drunken Boat Spring 2000 Issue 1. http://www.thedrunkenboat.com/rudnitsky.htm

80)      Miriam Baruch Chalfi, “Seashell,” “Even the Colors of the Flowers,” “Eclipse,” The Drunken Boat Summer 2000 Issue 2 (with Raquel Chalfi). http://www.thedrunkenboat.com/baruchchalfi.htm

81)      Raquel Chalfi, “All The,” The Drunken Boat Summer 2000 Issue 2 (with Raquel Chalfi).  http://www.thedrunkenboat.com/chalfi.htm

82)      Yaffa Zins, “Epstein-Nidriosbach August 1996,” The Drunken Boat Summer 2000 Issue 2.  http://www.thedrunkenboat.com/zins.htm

83)      Yehuda Amichai, from “Gods Come and Go, Prayers Remain Forever,” The Drunken Boat Summer 2000 Issue 2. http://www.thedrunkenboat.com/amichai.htm

84)      Yael Globerman, “She Returns,” Poetry Ireland Review, Issue 74. Ed. Michael Smith. Dublin: Poetry Ireland Ltd., 2002. 65.

85)      Yehuda Amichai, “The Jewish Time Bomb,” The Kenyon Review, Vol. XXIV, No. 3/4. Summer/Fall 2002. 1-2.

86)       Mordechai Geldman, “The Road,” “View from Cafe Milano,” “Cafe,” “Spring,” “Another Poet,” “Azure,” “Final Interview,” “Line,” “Returning to Tel Aviv,” Returning to Tel Aviv, (CD), Israel Music Institute (IMI-CD-06), Ron Weidberg and Mordechai Geldman, 2002.

87)      Asher Reich, "The Book," "Snapshots," "Our Blood Is the World's Petrol," "Haifa in Winter," "A Lonely Woman" (with Vivian Eden), "This Plenty" (with Vivian Eden), "Listen to Me Deaf Love," "Patches," "Cable," "The Flight Goes On," The Poetry of Asher Reich – Portrait of a Hebrew Poet, Yair Mazor, Madison Wisconsin: The University of Wisconsin Press, 2003. 63, 64, 67, 68, 71-2, 73, 77, 82, 93, 102-3.

88)      Natan Yonatan, "And the Rotem Would Whiten," "A Possible Introduction to an Epilogue," "Always Along the Shore," Within the Song to Live – Selected Poems (Bilingual Edition), Jerusalem: Gefen Publishing House, 2005. 109, 119-121, 137.

89)      Sabina Messeg, "Kinneret, Spring," arc 17, Summer 2005. 13.

90)      Naim Araidi (with the author), “From Season to Season,” “What Shall We Say to Whom,” “Korsakov,” “To Farid Al Atrash,” “On the Massacre of Children,” Jerusalem Review, 5-6, 2006. 154-158.

91)      Sabina Messeg, “And the Sea,” A Sea of Voices: Women Poets in Israel, ed. Marjorie Agosin. Sante Fe: Sherman Asher, 2008. 67.

92)      Nidaa Khoury, “People of Figs,” “People of Fire,” “People of Grapes,” “People of Olives,” “People of Pomegranates,” “Death is a Wave,” A Sea of Voices: Women Poets in Israel, ed. Marjorie Agosin. Sante Fe: Sherman Asher, 2008. 113, 116-120.

93)      Aida Nasrallah, “Abdulla,” Hymns Without Rhyme,” “Just a Moment Ago,” “The Ceremony of Women,” A Sea of Voices: Women Poets in Israel, ed. Marjorie Agosin. Sante Fe: Sherman Asher, 2008. 121-125.

94)      Mona Daher, “Manifstation!,” “Shyness,” “You Lost Me in the Scent of Frankincense,” A Sea of Voices: Women Poets in Israel, ed. Marjorie Agosin. Sante Fe: Sherman Asher, 2008. 126-9.



1)    Eda Zorritte, “Jasmine,” Ariel, 47, 1978, 90‑118. 

2)    ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑“Absolution,” Webster Review, 1977. 

3)    Dahn Ben Amotz, “Buon Gourno, Valentina,”  Libido.



1.     Dan Horowitz, “Cherlika‑Cherli,”  Modern Israeli Drama, An Anthology, ed. Herbert S. Joseph. Rutherford: Fairleigh Dickinson University, 1983, pp. 216‑241.

2.     Joseph Mundi, The Power of a Dream. http://www.karenalkalay-gut.com/MUNDI.htm

3.     Hanoch Levin, Requiem.  Jerusalem Review (forthcoming).

4.     Hanoch Levin, The Child Weeps (forthcoming).

5.     Hanoch Levin, Thrill My Heart (forthcoming).

6.     Hanoch Levin, Morris Shimmel (forthcoming).




La Loca, "Why You Should Only Take Black Men As Your Lovers," Iton 77, 144-145, January-February 1992, 60-61.




Poetry readings have been given at the Library of Congress (Washington, D.C., 1986, 1995), The Kennedy Center (1998), The United Nations (1994), numerous universities and museums in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom -such as Rutgers, University of Buffalo, New York University, Wayne State University, Delaware, Farmingdale, Ottawa, and Oxford, and other public institutions including Santa Croce Church and the Municipal Library in Florence, Italy, Makor and the Y in New York, the American Cultural Center, the British Council and the Diaspora Museum in Tel Aviv and Mishkenot and the Chan in Jerusalem.  Readings have also been given at The Knitting Factory, the Nuyorican Café , Bowery Poetry Club and other venues in New York.   Local Poetry Festivals include Metulla, Sde Boker, Shaar, Cisufim, and Mghrar.

 Performances with Thin Lips at Klippa Theater, Barby, and numerous television programs.  Israel Festival, June 2006, Musica Nova, June 2006, Tel Aviv Festival, June, 2006.



Radio appearances on PBS: Canada and USA, WBAI: New York, Adelphi University Radio and other university radio stations in the United States. In Israel, radio appearances on numerous and various programs from “Musagim” with Hedva Yissachar and “Literature” with Eyal Megged, to “Sichot Ishiyot” with Yakov Agmon, to “Ehud Manor,” Elana Zuckerman,  “Rivka Michaeli.” 


Television:  Regular panel member on "Leila, Leila," Channel 8, 2002.   TV appearances on “Tachana Mercazit,” “Guy Pines,” “BiKriah Rishona” with Avirama Golan, Leila Leila, and Prime Time in Israel and International Cable TV - New York.   Morning Show, Channel 10, May 20, 2005, Zman Leomanut – interview with Benny Levin – channel 77 –  May 2, 2005, IBA news – talk on Saul Bellow – Channel 1 – April, 2005, 

Café Theatron – with Noam Semel – September 2004, Tal Gordon – December 2003,  Music – Yes Plus – August 2003.  “Tree of Knowledge: On Allen Ginsberg,” March 2006


(C) LISTINGS                                                                               

Who’s Who in the World, Who’s Who in U.S. Writers, Editors and Poets, Poets and Writers, The World Who’s Who of Women, International Authors and Writers Who’s Who, Contemporary Authors, Dictionary of International Biography.                                                 





“Body Crafts,”  Bianelle, annual exhibition at Ein Hod in 1997.



In addition to several significant appearances, including a program at the Kennedy Center with Liz Magnes, a CD with Liz Magnes, represents some of the recent work with music and poetry.



Recording with Ziv Yonatan, “Lies” – audio and video.



"Thin Lips" with RoiYarkoni and Ishay Sommer, Pookh Records, 2003. http://pookh.com/


”Dance”: A Multimedia Installation based on joint poem with Nathalie Handal, by Alexandra Handal. Presented at WILL, a Multi-Disciplinary Group Exhibition about Negotiating Peace, Toronto, Canada, June-July 2003.



 Saper Li (Tell Me)
Music:  Thin Lips
Director: Anat
Vocals, Principle Cast: Karen Alkalay-Gut, Yossi Tayyeb.


To the Muse

Music: Thin Lips

Producer: Gilia Zuchovitsky



 “Love Soup,” Israel Festival – HaZira, May 29, 2006.

“Love Soup,” Musica Nova – Tel Aviv Museum, June 29, 2006.



Collaboration with Panic Ensemble, Earsay Records 2009.


9. COMPACT DISK: Nighthawks

Collaboration with Panic Ensemble, Earsay Records 2009.


10. FILM: In the Leper Hospital




(forthcoming 2012)


12. 3 Audio Installations by Ziv Yonatan, Mane Museum Jersey City.  “Where us Leonardo.” “Tick Talk”






(A) ARTICLES CONCERNING RESEARCH OF ALKALAY‑GUT                                           


1)    Benny Ziffer, “Sifrut Al Kav HaMotnaim” (Literature of the Waistline), Ha’aretz, December 30, 1983.

2)    Eyal Megged, “Interview on Women’s Poetry,”  Yidiot Achronot, June 24, 1983.    

3)    Randy Jo Land, “Is War ‘Men’s Business’?”  Jerusalem Post, January 3, 1988, 5.

4)    Erica Ozerman, "Satan O Malach" ("Satan Or Angel"), Yarchon Naamat (Hebrew), 113, February 1989, 54-56.

5)    Maya Bahir, “Hatkufa HaAvuda Shel Adelaide Crapsey,” (“The Lost Times of Adelaide Crapsey,”  Yediot Achronot (Hebrew), June 21, 1989, 20.    

6)    Arylln Millhouse, “Rocking to the Meter,” Jerusalem Post, March 12, 1993.

7)    Ofra Landau, “The Poetics of Cancer,” (Hebrew: On Women and Cancer), Hadashot, November 26, 1993.

8)    Tal Asher, “Women Poets and Madness,” (Hebrew) Esrim Plus, March, 1994.

9)    Shlomzion Kenan, “Likro Shira BeRoxanne,” (Hebrew) Shishi, July 15, 1994, 34.

10) Eilat Negev, “Oscar Wilde,” Yidiot Achronot, reprinted in Personal Talks, 1994.

11) Yael Hashiloni-Dolev, “Small Poems from Great Agonies, (on Dorothy Parker,)” Tzomet Hasharon, August 8, 1995, 61.

12) Don L. F. Nilsen, Humor in Eighteenth-and Nineteenth-Century British Literature: A Reference Guide. London, Westport: Greenwood, 1998, pp 251, 254.

13) Louis, Margot, “Guide to the Year's Work: Swinburne,” Victorian Poetry 39.3 (2001), 490-495.

14) Berman, Daphna, “Write of Passage:  First Conference on U.S. Aliyah in Literature Next Week,” Haaretz, October 21, 2006 http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/777250.html.

15)  Kloosterman, Karin, “Bridges and Gates for American Writers in Israel,” Jerusalem Post  Nov. 8, 2006, Updated Nov. 13, 2006

16) Eden, Vivian, “At One Remove,” Haaretz, November 09, 2006 http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/783362.html



(B) SELECTED REVIEWS OF ALONE IN THE DAWN                                                 

1)  Washington Post, March 5, 1989.                                                   

2)  David George, Jerusalem Post, June 23, 1989, 17.                                  

3)  Ruth Whitman, Choice, June 1989.                                                  

4)  Edward Butscher, The Georgia Review, Autumn, 1989.                            

5)  Jane Gillette, American Studies International, October, 1989.                 

6)  Genevieve Carminati, “Life Cut Short,” American Book Review, March‑April 1990.                

7)  David Middleton, “The Immortal Residue,”  Sewanee Review,  Spring 1990.                          

8)  Susan Lurie, American Literature, Winter 1990, 723‑4.                           

9)  Nina Baym, American Studies, 1990.                                                         

10)  Peter Easingwood, Lionel Kelly, and David Seed, This Year’s Work in English Studies, V. 70. 

11)  Philip T, Stevick.  Journal of Modern Literature Annual Review, 1990.



1)    Yoram Kaniuk, “Kadish O Safari be’Bronx”, MAARIV Literary Supplement, January 9, 1981. 

2)    David Twersky, “Symphony of Light”, JERUSALEM POST MAGAZINE, May 22, 1981.

3)    Terry Brody, “Cricket Chirps in the Capital”, NEWSVIEW, August 25, 1981, pp. 26‑7. 

4)    Elan Sheinfeld, “Hitkomemut Mesuyeget”, AL HAMISHMAR, September 11, 1981.

5)    Elan Sheinfeld, “Hayu k’Ilmim”, MIGVAN, January, 1982, No. 66, pp. 63‑6. 

6)    “Mishkenot Shaananim”, HA’IR, December 17, 1982. 

7)    Eyal Megged, “Interview on Women’s Poetry”, YEDIOT ACHRONOT, June 24, 1983. 

8)    Eyal Megged, “Litfos Rosh Nashi”, BAMACHANE, p. 65, July 10, 1983. 

9)    Dalia Shavit, “Shirei Huledet Belashon Moledet” (“Poems of the Homeland in the Language of the Motherland”) DAVAR, July 11, 1983, p. 9.

10) Ziv Kuper, “Pislei Ceimar,” “Clay Sculptures” RECHOV RASHI, July 27, 1983, p. 28. 

11) “Al Call Hanekavim Hachatumim,” (“On All the Sealed Orifices”) YOMAN HASHAVUAH, August 8, 1983, p. 35.  

12) Giora Leshem, “Otzma Shel Guf Varegesh” (Daring of Body and Senses”), YEDIOT ACHRONOT, Saturday Supplement, December 23, 1983. 

13) Efrat Oz, “Milim Bemetav Sidran” (“Words in their best order”), AL HAMISHMAR, Saturday Supplement, December 23, 1983. 

14) Benny Ziffer, “Sifrut Al Kav HaMotnaim” (“Literature of the Waistline”), HA’ARETZ, Saturday Supplement, December 30, 1983. 

15) Shmuel Shatal, “25 Meshorerot Ohavot” (“25 Loving Poets,” review of Isha Ohevet) MA’ARIV, November 22, 1985. 

16) “The Women’s Room: Isha Ohevet” HA’ARETZ, August 23, 1985, p. 15. 

17) Ziv Cooper, “Keren Or VeShir” YISRAEL SHELANU, Vol. 7 No. 36‑36 Apr 22, 1986, 48‑49. 

18) “Shira, Masoret, vePost Modernism” (Poetry, Tradition, and Post Modernism”) AL HAMISHMAR. October 3, 1986, pp. 26, 34. 

19) ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑, “Edna LeShira Yisraelit BeNuYork.” ISRAEL SHELANU, October 17, 1986, 46‑7. 

20) Frederick Raborg, Review of Mechitza, AMELIA, V. 10, No. 3, 1987, 125.

21) Lily Ratok, MOZNAIM, July, 1988, 58‑62. 

22) Susan Katz, Review of Mechitza, BITTERROOT, V. 27 No. 94, Autumn 1988, 70. 

23) Donald Lev, “Featured Poet: Karen Alkalay‑Gut” HOME PLANET NEWS, April, 1989. 

24) Blake Green, “Getting the Writers to Read.” Newsday, September 27, 1989, pp.11, 18. 

25) “He Sophrim Olim Lemata,” Tsomet Hasharon, February 23, 1990, 44-5.

26) Jeanne Heifetz, Interview, Forward, December 11, 1990. 

27) Renee Singer, “Poetic Zionism,” Israel Magazine, Vol. 5, No. 53, Oct 1990, 19. 

28) “From Rochester to Tel Aviv,” Tel Aviv University News, Spring 1991, 19‑20. 

29) Eilan Sheinfeld, “Rabotei, Hahistoria Mitmachzeret!” Studio, April‑May, 1991, 25. 

30) Arlynn Millhouse, “Rocking to the Meter,” Jerusalem Post, March 12, 1993.

31) Aliza Naor, “Hameshoreret Hayisraelit,” Bamat Haisha, March 1993, 11.

32) Moshe Zinger, “Kol Yechudi,” Yidiot Achronot, September 2, 1994, 29.

33) Eran Novak, “Lihiyot Meshoreret,” Tsomet Hasharon, August 12, 1994, 103.

34) Efrat Mishori, “Lihiyot Meshoreret,” Ma’ariv, September 30, 1994, 31.

35) Sefi Shefer, “Kechol she’ata mitkarev, ata roeh pachot,” Ha’Aretz, Sefarim #98, January 11, 1995, 7

36) Jeffrey Green,” Reading from Right to Left,” Jerusalem Post, October 14, 1994.

37) Ran Yagil, “Ktiva Mesugnenet Mesugim Shonim” Moznaim, January 1995, 61.

38) Rafi Weichert, Review, Achshav, January 1995.

39) R. R. Lee Ezwiler, Review of RECIPES, TAPROOT, March 1995, 3.

40) Alicia Ostriker, Review of IGNORANT ARMIES, LILITH, Spring, 1995, 28-30.

41) Shmuel Shatal, “Simple, Wise and Laughing,” Review of Me/You and More Poems, Jerusalem Post, May 15, 1997, 6.

42) Mike Scheidemann, “Lyrical Expression,” Review of  RECIPES, Jerusalem Post, February 26, 1996, 25.

43) Iris LeAl, Review of Paranormal Poems, Ma’ariv,  April, 1997.

44) Jeff Green, “Reading from Right to Left,” Jerusalem Post, May 15m 1997, 6.

45) Michal Sapir, Review of Paranormal Poems, HaDoar,  May 1997.

46) Fukunishi, Laura, “Intolerable Geographies and Strategies for Peace in the Paranormal: Israeli Poet, Karen Alkalay-Gut,” Kobe National University Bulletin, No. 52, June 25, 1997.

47) “Marching to a Different Muse,” The Jerusalem Report, August 21, 1997, 46-7.

48) Shelley Foyer Shinular, “Haziot ba Taarucha (Brasierres on Exhibit)” Ma’ariv, Women’s Supplement, October 19, 1997, 2.

49) Angela Levine, “Carnival time at Nahal Hod,” Jerusalem Post, October 17, 1997.

50) Helen Kaye, “Interview” Jerusalem Post, July 1998.

51) Nikki Stiller, “Confessions of a Frequent Flyer: American and Israel in the Work of Karen Alkalay-Gut,” HaShofar, Winter 1998, Vol 16, No. 2, 25-31.

52) Nurit Barsky, “Yoztet mearon habegadim” (“Coming out of the Closet”) Ma’ariv, Signon, July 14, 1999, 20-1.

53) Haim Chertok, “Our Wardrobes, Our Selves” Jerusalem Post, August 13, 1999.

54) Rafi Weichert, “Hahaim bemtzaut haBgadim,” (Life through Clothes) Maariv, September 17, 1999, 27.

55) Shmuel Shatal, “Emet Eruma veNoraa” (“The Naked and Terrible Truth”) Ha’aretz, October 6, 1999, 7.

56) Shulamit Hava Halevi, “Tsilo Shel Aron HaZichronot” (“The Shadow of the Memories Closet”), Iton 77, 248. 12. http://www.pookh.com/HebrewSite/Press_articles/Keren/Karen-Alkakay-Gut--Iton-77.html

57) Nikki Stiller, A Review of The Love of Clothes and Nakedness, Home Planet News, 46 (Vol. 11. No. 4), Summer 2000, 6.

58) Aviya Kushner, “From the Desert to the Sea: Israeli Writing Today,” Poets and Writers, Nov/Dec 2001, 54-58.

59) Sharon Moldavi, Customer Review of In My Skin, July 2001. http://israel.vacationbookreview.com/israel_35.html

60) Aaron Levy, "Award-Winning, Published Author Reads Poetry," The Daily Targum, October 10, 2002. http://www.dailytargum.com/news/2002/10/10/News/AwardWinning.Published.Author.Reads.Poetry-293869.shtml

61) L. Kiew, Martin Grampound, Polly Bird, Reviews of Recipes – Love Soup and Other Poems, The Love of Clothes & Nakedness, and In My Skin, New Hope International Review On-Line, 2003. http://www.nhi.clara.net/bs0110.htm

62) Gershon Giron, "Hemeshoreret Cecochevet Rock," (The Poet as Rock Star), Okapi, October 2003.  http://www.okapi.co.il/october2003/trans/trans5.html

63) Susan Guber, "Suckled by Panic," Poetry after Auschwitz. Indiana: Indiana University Press, 2003. 87-88.

64)  Sharon Ashuri, "Biladi Biladi" ("Comparisons of Translations of the poem, 'Recital' by Karen Alkalay-Gut"), Okapi, 8, October 2003. http://www.okapi.co.il/october2003/trans/trans4.html

65) Ruth Knafo Setton, “Night Reading: Hunger Artists—Voices from Israel,” JBooks, 2003. http://www.jbooks.com/content/06-2001/nightjune.php

66) Michal Palti, "Shir Hu Lo Rak Milim" (A Poem Is More than Words), HaAretz, February 25, 2004. http://www.haaretz.co.il/hasite/pages/ShArtPE.jhtml?itemNo=398040&contrassID=2

67) Review of Thin Lips, Kolbo Haifa, February 27, 2004 (reprinted from Achbar HaIr, Roy Hareven). http://www.pookh.com/HebrewSite/Press_articles/Thin_Lips/Thin-Lips-Kolbo-Haifa-27-2-04.html

68) Review of Thin Lips, 42 Maalot, March 2004. http://www.pookh.com/HebrewSite/Press_articles/thin_lips/thin-lips-42-Maalot-March-2004.html

69) Tal Gordon, “Thin Lips – A Review,” HaBama, March 2, 2004. http://www.habama.co.il/newsComplete.asp?id=948&Nimg=2&subject=news&page=pla

70) Shay Lahav, “Shuv Natchil MeHadash” (Here We Go Again), Ma’ariv, March 4, 2004. http://www.maariv.co.il/cache/ART661346.html

71) Troy, "A Review of Thin Lips" (reprinted from the Haifa edition of Achbar HaIr), March 9, 2004. http://www.troy.co.il/forum/read.php?f=1&i=3141&t=3141

72) Yoram Mark-Reich, “Ad Rock, Musica, Lehitim VaOd,” Yediot Haifa, March 12, 2004. http://www.pookh.com/HebrewSite/Press_articles/Thin_Lips/Thin-lips-yediot-haifa-12-3-04.html

73) Chen Naval, “Review of Thin Lips,” Muzica, March 26, 2004. http://www.muzica.co.il/article.php?sid=433

74) Ronen Tsomer, “HaAlternativa shel Roi Yarkonio” (Roi Yarkoni’s Alternative), YNET, March 28, 2004. http://www.ynet.co.il/articles/0,7340,L-2893226,00.html

75) Viva Sarah Press, “Sabra Sounds: Anonymous Singer,” Jerusalem Post Website, April 4, 2004. http://www.pookh.com/HebrewSite/Press_articles/Pookh_on_web/Thin_Lips-Jerusalem_Post_04-04-2004.htm

76) Review of Thin Lips, Wayside Music Website, April 2004. http://www.pookh.com/HebrewSite/Press_articles/Pookh_on_web/Wayside_Music-Thin_Lips-04-2004.htm

77) Chen Naval, “Thin Lips,” Indie Website, April 4, 2004. http://www.pookh.com/HebrewSite/Press_articles/Pookh_on_web/Thin_Lips-Indie-04-04-2004.htm

78) François Couture, “Thin Lips,” All Music Guide Website (AMG), May 18, 2004. http://www.pookh.com/HebrewSite/Press_articles/Pookh_on_web/All_Music_Guide-Thin_Lips-18-5-04.htm

79) Vitaly Menshikov, Review of Thin Lips, Progressor – Uzbekistan Progressive Rock Pages, May 19, 2004. http://www.progressor.net/review/thin_lips_2004.html

80) Ronny Somech, "When Karen Met Kafka," Iton 77, 291, June 2004. 6.

81) Dana Amir, "Oto Ra'av Lashuv Ladava SheMujar Lanu" ("The Same Hunger to Return to the Familair"), Review of Ta'avot Shuliot, Ha'Aretz, June 7, 2004. http://www.haaretz.co.il/hasite/pages/ShArtPE.jhtml?itemNo=436240&contrassID=2&subContrassID=12&sbSubContrassID=0

82) Lisa N. Goldman, "Singing about Life with Her Words," Anglo File Ha'Aretz, August 27, 2004. A8. http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/470003.html

83) Shmuel Shatal, "Targum Yafeh KeMakor" ("A Translation as Fine as the Original"), Moznaim, 5, August 2004. 52-53.

84) Yoram, K, Review of Thin Lips, The Blind Janitor, September 1, 2004. http://www.hasharat.co.il/html/article_6070.php

85) Atira Winchester, “Progressive Poetry,” Jerusalem Post, October 25, 2004. http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?pagename=JPost/JPArticle/ShowFull&cid=1098677407827

86) Thin Lips Concert Review Thread, Nana. http://forums.nana.co.il/Message/MessageFull.asp?MsgID=5969574

87) Thin Lips Review Thread, YNet. http://www.ynet.co.il/home/0,7340,L-1721-288,00.html

88) Atira Winchester, "Beauty in the Banal," Jerusalem Post, February 4, 2005. 27. http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?pagename=JPost/JPArticle/Printer&cid=1107746393198&p=1006953079969

89) Lisa N. Goldman, "Universal Themes in a Specific Context," Haaretz English Edition, Culture Supplement No. 4 (special edition), February 2005.

90) David Gershator, Review of So Far So Good, Home Planet News 52 (Vol. 13, No. 20), Spring 2005. 6,18.

91) Gabriel Moked, "Feminist Poems – From London to Tel Aviv," Akhshav 69/70, Spring 2005. 390.

92) Biography Entry, Contemporary Authors, Thomson Gale, January 1 2004.

93) Alicia Ostriker, "Loosening up the Mother Tongue," JBooks.com, May 2005.  http://www.jbooks.com/interviews/index/IP_Ostriker_Alkalay_Gut.htm

94) Tarkus 33 - Juni 2005  translated from Norwegian by Sven Eriksen.

95) Roberta Kalochovsky, "Outwitting Destruction," American Book Review, September, 2005. 10-11.

96) Jennifer Glaser, Biography Entry, The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Multiethnic American Literature, Ed. Emmanuel S. Nelson, Westport, Connecticut and London: Greenwood Press, 2005. 137-138.

97) Santangelo Salvatore, Indice POESIA KAREN ALKALAY-GUT Israele, il sapore segreto della quotidianità, Corriere della Sera, 21 febbraio 2010- Pagina 40




מאת ארז שוייצר


פורסם ב - 07:34 22/12/10

עדכון אחרון - 08:45 22/12/10

דברים שבשירה | קפה עם אן סקסטון



98) Erez Shveitzer,




(101)Ronen Shapira  http://www.ynet.co.il/articles/0,7340,L-4099340,00.html


102) http://karinsvedese.blogspot.com/2010/08/karen-alkalay-gut-danza-del-ventre-tel.html





1)       Wilthmann, Ingrid. Only in Eternity Is There No Exile, Rauhreif, 1997. 418-430. (German).

2)       Ya’oz, Hannah. Psefas, Vol. 37, 1998, 14-17. (Hebrew).

3)       Kudish, Daffi. HaDoar, Vol. LXXXII, No. 1, 2002, 62-65.

4)       Giron, Gershon, “Portrait of a Poet as a Rock Performer” Okapi http://www.okapi.co.il/october2003/trans/trans5.html

5)       Highland, August. m.a.g., Spring, 2003. http://www.muse-apprentice-guild.com/spring_2003/karenalkalaygut-interview/home.html

6)       Corina Hasofferett. Nofey HaNefesh (A Minyan of Lovers), Tel Aviv: HudnaPress, 2003. 121-134. (Hebrew).

7)       Corina Hasofferett. Internet Site. June 2003. http://www.notes.co.il/corinna/839.asp

8)       "Hadar Avoda," Literary Supplement Yediot Ahronot, February 20, 2004.

9)       Ben-David, Aviah. Iton Tel-Aviv, November 12, 2004. http://www.tam.co.il/12_11_2004/tarbut-ofna.htm

10)      Nilanshu Kumar Agarwal,  ‘Interview with Karen Alkalay-Gut (Israel)’. The Journal (England). 21. ISSN:1466-5220.

11)      Yaoz-Kest, Itamar and Hana. Psefas Winter Volume 2004/5. 8-12.

12)      Luzon, Omri, “Behind the Words: An Interview with Karen Alkalay-Gut,” Winter, 2011 http://themissingslate.com/2011/11/14/spotlight-poet-karen-alkalay-gut/

13)      Amanda Ostrove and Gabrielle David, “Insight into Human Understanding, An Israeli Writer’s Reflections on Literature,” Phati’tude, III, 3, Fall 2011,  58-9, 75-80.






1)       Making Love: Poems. Tel Aviv: Achshav, 1980.    

2)       Butter Sculptures (Hebrew).  Tel Aviv: Hakibbutz Hameuchad, 1983. 

3)       Mechitza.  New York: Cross‑Cultural Communications, 1986.

4)       Ignorant Armies.  Tel Aviv: Tentative Press, 1992.                                                           

5)       Between Bombardments.  Tel Aviv: Tentative Press, 1992.

6)       Love Soup.  Tel Aviv: Tentative Press, 1992.        

7)       High School Girls.  Tel Aviv: Tentative Press, 1992.

8)       Recipes.  Tel Aviv: Golan, 1994.

9)       Harmonies/Disharmonies.  Etc. Editions, 1994.

10)      Ignorant Armies.  New York: Cross Cultural Communications, 1994.

11)      I/Thou and Other War Poems (Hebrew).  Tel Aviv: Hakibbutz Hameuchad, 1994.

12)      Paranormal Poems (Hebrew) Gvanim, 1997.

13)      Life in Israel -November 1995-1996 Whistle Press, 1997.. http://www.poetrypub.org/download/kagut.pdf

14)      The Love of Clothes and Nakedness Federation of Writers’ Unions, 1999.

15)      The Love of Clothes and Nakedness (Hebrew) Hakibbutz Hameuchad, 1999.

16)      In My Skin.  Tel Aviv: Federation of Writers’ Unions, 2000.

17)      High Maintenance.  Calgary: Neamh Press, 2002.

18)      Avracadivra. Zbooks, 2002.

19)      Ta’avot Shuliot (Hebrew). Tel Aviv: Hakibbutz Hameuchad, 2004.

20)      So Far So Good. Tel Aviv: Sivan - Federation of Writers’ Unions, 2004.

21)      The Love of Clothes and Nakedness (Hebrew) Hakibbutz Hameuchad, New Edition 2006.

22)      Danza del ventre a Tel Aviv: Poesie d’amore e sopravvivenza (Italian). Trans. Johanna Bishop and Andrea Sirotti. Bologna: Edizioni Kolibris, 2010.

23)      Keepers of My Youth (Hebrew). Tel Aviv: Keshev, 2011.

24)      Miracles and More (Hebrew ). Tel Aviv: Keshev, 2011.




Poetry has appeared in The American Voice, Massachusetts Review, Prairie Schooner, Bitterroot, Webster Review, Cedermere Review, Moving Out, Lilith, The Double, arc, Argo, New Outlook, Jewish Frontier, Jerusalem Post, Ariel, Hoopoe, grasshopper, Forward, Jewish Quarterly, Israel Horizons, Present Tense, London Calling, Israel Magazine, Understanding, Gypsy,  War, Literature, and the  Arts, and other journals and anthologies.   Short stories have appeared in journals in New Zealand, Israel, Canada and the United States.   Translations into Italian, Spanish, Yiddish, French and Hebrew have been published in journals around the world.    Hundreds of translations of Hebrew poetry, fiction and drama by Yehuda Amichai, Asher Reich, Natan Yonatan, and others have appeared in numerous journals and anthologies.


    1)       “Emily,” Bitterroot, New York, 1978.                              

    2)       “From the Pen of Maud Gonne,” “The Stripper,”  “So Flantz,” “Love,” “Separation,” The Double, New Zealand, 1979.                 

    3)       “Nude Descending a Staircase,” and 17 other poems, The Tel Aviv English Poets, Tel Aviv, 1980. 

    4)       “Deflections,” Webster Review, Webster Groves, Mo., 1980.          

    5)       “Jungle,” “You Always,”  Bitterroot, New York, 1982.              

    6)       “Klute,” “Lists,” “Credo,”  Shdemot, Tel Aviv, 1982.               

    7)       “Last Portraits:  Anne Sexton,” Argo, September, 1982.             

    8)       “Nightmare,” “The Boys,”  New Outlook, September, 1982.            

    9)       11 Poems, ARC, No.1, 1983, 3-8.                                                

   10)      “Mornings,” Now, December 30, 1983.                               

   11)      “Only in Pain,” Bitterroot, January, 1984.                        

   12)      “His Neck,” “Night Rider,” Webster Review, Vol 9, No. 2, 1985.                                              

   13)      “Skiing on the Sea of Galilee,” and “Tel Aviv,” Cedermere Review, September 1985, 28.      

   14)      “Resemblances,” Shdemot, July 1985.                               

   15)      “Much Laboring,” “I’m So Glad,” “Friend and Foe,” “Mechitza,” “To One in Beirut,” Lips. 1987.            

   16)       “History,” Jewish Frontier, Feb/Mar, 1986, 15.                    

   17)      “Domestic Dinner,” Lilith, No. 15, Summer 1986, 32.                                  

   18)      “I’m So Glad,” and “Family Vacation in Banias,” Massachusetts Review, 1986.      

   19)      “I am Thinking of You,” Bitterroot, Spring, 1986.                 

   20)      “Soutine,” “A Lithuanian Legacy,” Home Planet News, 22, Spring 1986, 16-17.    

   21)        “Hot Weather in Tel Aviv,” “You Learned, I Learned,” “Living,” La’inyan. Fall, 1986, 9.  

   22)      “Disposal,” “Inheritance,”  Bitterroot, Fall, 1987, 51.           

   23)      “Gaza‑1974,” and “Yiddish Folk Shule,” Response, xv, #3, Spring 1987, 66‑8. 

   24)       “Othello,” “Posters,” and “Isaac,”  Bitterroot, Fall, 1987, 43.  

   25)      “Hostage Crisis,” Jerusalem Post, November 20, 1987.              

   26)      “Sometimes Sex,” “Fiat,” Newark Review, September 1987.           

   27)      “I Explain Darwin,” Present Tense, March‑April, 1988, 8.          

   28)      “Lessons,” Israel Horizons, Vol. 36 No. 1/2 Spring 1988, 24.                     

   29)      America,” Hoopoe, Spring, 1988, 14.                              

   30)      “Transportation,” LIPS, #14, 26.                                   

   31)      “Friend and Foe,” “To One in Beirut,”  Women on War, ed. Daniella Gioseffi, Simon and Schuster, 1988, 76‑77.  American Book Award, 1990.                                                    

   32)      “Hostage Crisis,” Prairie Schooner, v. 62, #2, Summer 1988, 77‑9.  

   33)        “Zebra,” Trapani Nuova, June 24, 1988, 3.                         

   34)      “Chicken Soup,” “Inheritance,” Jewish Ledger, September, 1988.       

   35)      “Illness,” “I Explain Darwin to the Rebbe,” “Yiddish Folk Shule - 1952,” “3 Bargains,” “Yom Kippur 1988,” “Life Goes On,”  Home Planet News #26, July 1989, 12-13. 

   36)      “Memory,” Bitterroot, v 28. Summer 1989, #96, 35.                 

   37)      “Figure and Ground,” “Train,” “Mount Sinai,” “A Flat City,” “Relativity,” “Paranoia,” “Transportation,” “DeQuincey,” “Returning to Tel Aviv,” “Hot Weather in Tel Aviv,” Tel Aviv Review II, 1989.                 

   38)      “The Temple at Banias,” “Commitments,” “Lessons,” arc, 1989.      

   39)      “Procedures,” “Philosophy,” Voices, 1989.                         

   40)      “Returning to Tel Aviv,” Ariel, N. 77‑78, 1989, 155‑6.            

   41)      “Poets in Their Youth,”  “Flowers,” “A Poet Writes,” Webster Review.

   42)      “Friend and Foe,” “Mechitza,” “To One in Beirut,” The Tribe of Dina.  Boston: Beacon, 1989, 240‑5. 

   43)       “A Visitor,” Massachusetts Review, Summer 1990. v31, Autumn ‘90 p340. 

   44)      “Zebra,” ABC Bestiary by Alfred Van Loen, Cross‑Cultural Communications, 1990. 

   45)       “Concerning the Text,” Trapani Nuova, March 23, 1990, 3.          

   46)      “Mobilization,” London Calling, September 1990.  Reprinted in Israel Magazine, September 1990.     

   47)      “Keepers of My Youth,” Forward, December 14, 1990.                

   48)      “Ulysses,” Il Foglio Volante, November‑ December 1990, 5.         

   49)      from “Between Bombardments, ii, vi, xiii”  Forward, March 1, 1991.            

   50)      Vietnam and the Gulf,” Trapani Nuova, March 8, 1991, 3.          

   51)      “Safe Room,” Jewish Quarterly, Spring, 1991.                      

   52)      “Lovers,” American Voice, Summer, 1991                            

   53)      “Living,” Ariel, No. 85-86, 1991, 11

   54)      “Love Behind Gas Masks,” from Between Bombardments, Jerusalem Post, February 4, 1992, 7.

   55)      “Lovers,” PEN Israel 1992.                                                      

   56)      “Holyland,” Moving Out, Vol. 15, No. 1+2, 1993, 24.                                           

   57)      “Love Soup,” Prairie Schooner, Summer, 1992, 66-71.  Readers’ Choice Award, 1992. 

   58)       “Holyland at Night,” “Keepers of my Youth,” Lilith                

   59)      “Shudder Hunger” Impetus                                         

   60)      “Reader Response,” “Rock Concert.” GYPSY, 19, 1992, 12-13.                         

   61)      “Fear and I Were Born Twins,” Understanding, No. 4, 1992, 50.                                            

   62)      “black wine”  honorable mention  Poetic Pursuits 

   63)      “Yiddish Lesson,” “carmina burana,” “Score,” Women and Choices           

   64)      From Between Bombardments, War, Literature, and the Arts, Vol. 4, No. 2, Fall/Winter 1992, 53-56  

   65)      “Mobilization,” We Speak for Peace, ed. Ruth Jacobs, 1993.              

   66)      “Multiple Orgasm,” “After making love:” The Time of Our Lives, Crossing Press, 1993. 

   67)      “Hagar,” Anthology of Biblical Poetry                             

   68)      “Upside,” “Mamshit” arc 7, 1993.                                         

   69)      “Mamshit,” “Night Travel,” LIPS, 17, 1993, 25-6.

   70)      “between bombardments” v, xi, xvi, xvii, xxii, xxvi, xxxiv, xxxix, War, Literature and the Arts, reprinted in This Year in Jerusalem, Mordechai Richler (Knopf, 1994)         

   71)      “mothers,” “sympathy,” “man/i/pull/ation,” “Reconstructing Paul de Man,”  Ars, 1992.

   72)      “Sympathy,” “Licks,” “Concentration,”  Rag Mag 11, 1, 1993, 83-86.                                     

   73)      “Limits,” “Selichot,” “Mamsheet,” Poetic Space, Fall-Winter 1992-3, 9,22.                    

   74)      “A Brief History of Time,” “Dreams,” “Interval,” Dream International Quarterly, 20, 1993, p. 84.

   75)      “Cover Me,” Lilliput Review #49, 1.

   76)      “Military Washing,” Ariel                              

   77)      “Mabrouk,” A Song to Life and World Peace, Jerusalem: Posner, 1993.

   78)      “Summer 1990,” Sheila-Na-Gig Vol. 7/8 1993, 21-22.

   79)      “Male Beauty, “Swan Break”, “Summer 1990,”  Home Planet News

   80)      “History,” “Lovely and Pleasant,” and “Life Goes On,” International Anthology of Holocaust Poetry, Texas, 1993.

   81)      “The Frog Prince,” arc 8, Autumn 1993, 6-7.

   82)      “Morning Science,” “Tropics,” “Some Thoughts on Writing in English,” “Sometimes I,” Modern Poetry in Translation New Series, #4. Winter 1993-4, 9-12.

   83)      “Transformations,”  “Between Bombardments,” “Munich Airport,” “Postcards to Palestine,” “At an Israeli Rock Concert,” “Sympathy for the Devil,” “On the Way to School,” “GAIA.”

   84)      From: “Poems from the Gulf War,” “Mobilization,” “Custom,” “Civil Defense- January 1991,” Kerem, Winter 1994, 27-34.

   85)      “SwanBbreak,” “Defamiliarization,” “Tel Aviv Love Song,” Amelia

   86)      “The Frog Prince,” “Tangents,” “Interview,” Morpo Review, I, 1, 1994. http://morpo.com/index.php?vol=1&iss=1

   87)      “Ways to Love: Monologues” Arvon Poetry Competition, 1993.  London Observer, 1994.

   88)      “Next,” Lilliput Review #60, 1994.

   89)      “Housewife,” “Poetry in the Middle East,” “housewife” International Quarterly, Vol. 1, No. 3, 100-101.

   90)      “Figs,” “Literature and Life,” “Night of War 1,” “Miracles,” Poetry New York     

   91)      “Taking out the Trash,” “Early Encounters with an Analyst,” Lowell Review, Summer 1994, 86-88. http://www.etext.org/Zines/ASCII/Lowell_Review/gut.htm

   92)      “Season,”  “Una Selva,” “La Diritta Via,” arc, 9, Autumn 1994, 3-4.

   93)      “Elinor Rigby,” “Room,” “speaking of the secret,” Morpo Review, 1 (4), 1994. http://morpo.com/index.php?vol=1&iss=4

   94)      “dusk - i lie here,” “undelivered mail,” Vooices 1994

   95)      “tattoo,”  Lilliput Review, 1994.

   96)      “Mothers,” Moznaim, December, 1994.

   97)      “The Grasp,” Voices 1994

   98)      “In My Skin,” “Munich Airport,” “Kitzbuhl Church Long Shot, 17, 1995, 50-52.

   99)      “Sometimes I,” Grasslands Review, 12, Winter 1995, 35.

 100)    “Transformation,”  “Where I Come From," “To a Sister,” “Thin Lips,”  “Desire,” “Afternoon,” Poetic Space, Vol. 5 No 4, 1995.

 101)    “Abortions,” “Poets’ Admissions Room at Bedlam,” “Dove,” “Forest Ferns,”  “Power,” “The Poem,” Untitled, ARC 10, 1995.

 102)    “Tel Aviv,” Massachusetts Review, 1995.

 103)    “Riding hood,” “Sabbath,” Amelia #25.

 104)    “In My Skin,” “Munich Airport,” “Kitzbuhl Church,” Long Shot, 1995.

 105)    “Cover Me,” and “You Plunge,” placed on individual t-shirts. Flying Camel Pless, Toronto.

 106)    “Habits of Old Ladies,” “Blarney,” Lips.                               

 107)    Munich Paranoia,” “Zacopane,” “Kitzbuhl,” Judaism, Spring, 1995.

 108)    “Windows and Doors,” Elvis,” Poetry Ink, Vol. 1, Issue 2, July 1995. http://www.etext.org/Poetry/PoetryInk/PIv1n2.txt

 109)    “Telephone,” “The Captive,” Poetry Ink, Vol. 1, Issue 3, August 1995. http://www.etext.org/Poetry/PoetryInk/PIv1n3.txt

 110)    “Duration and Expanse,” “The War,” Prairie Schooner

 111)    “Stones,” P.E.N. International, Vol. 46, No. 2, 1995, 105.

 112)    “The Hope,” Yitzhak Rabin – In Memoriam, Tel Aviv: English Association of Writers in English, December 1995, 11.

 113)    "Music," "Cackpots," Pen and Ink, Vol. 2, No. 1, Fall/Winter 1995-1996. 23-24.

 114)    “Desert Poetics,” “Yoreh,” “Postcards to Palestine 1900-1920,” Determinations South, Ed. Norman Simms, Hamilton, Outrigger Publisher Ltd., 1996. 11, 15, 30.

 115)    “Slippers,” “Shopping,” “Coif,” Lips             

 116)    “Summer 1990,” Home Planet News, 40 (Vol. 10, No. 2), Spring 1996, 14.

 117)    “Sleeves,” American Voice, September 1996.

 118)    “Almost,” “The Old Blood,” “Interview,” arc 11, Summer 1996, 34-35.

 119)    “Tyrolean Vacation,” War, Literature, and the Arts, Vol. 8, No. 2, Fall/Winter 1996, 69.

 120)    “noon,” “telephone,” Voices, 1996, V. 24.

 121)    “The Hope,” “Poetry Lesson,” “Diagram Of Heart,” “Avishag,” “Hagar,” “Austrian Vacation,” “Kitzbuhl Church 1+2”  Tel Aviv Review 4, 1996.

 122)    "Truth," Bread for This Hunger, Ed. Linda Clifton. Seattle, Washington: Crab Creek Review Association, 1996. 55.

 123)    “Tel Aviv Stories,” Israel Horizons, Vol. 44., Winter 1996/7, 19.

 124)    “That night,” “Pardess,” “Windows and Doors,” “Yiddish,” Jerusalem Review, 1, April 1997, 125-129.

 125)    “Joseph and Me,” “Eden,” Living Text, 2, Winter 1997, 5.

 126)    “Lines on Male Beauty Before Flying,” Home Planet News, 42 (Vol. 10, No. 4), Autumn 1997, 11.

 127)    “Season," Grandmother Reconsiders Her Knitting,” “The Exhibitionist in Her Boudoir,” “The Habits of Old Ladies” Wise Women's Web, 1997. <http://users.tellurian.com/wisewomensweb/alkalay.html>

 128)    “Grandmother,” “Public Outcry,” “Transportation,” “Between Bombardments,” An Anthology of Women’s Poetry              

 129)    “The Flame,” “Kvetch,” “Water,” “Peace,” “Stereotypes,” Outrigger, New Zealand

 130)    “Public Outcry,” “cover me,” “transportation,”  & “love soup,” Anthology of Women’s Poetry in Israel, ed. Myriam Glaser S.U.N.Y. Press, 1997.

 131)    “Scape,” Home Planet News, 41 (Vol. 10, No. 3), Winter/Spring 1997, 3.

 132)    “Tel Aviv Stories,” Israel Horizons, Vol. 44, No. 3, 4, Winter 1996/1997, 19.

 133)    “Jezebel,” P.E.N. International, Vol. 47, No. 2, 1997, 73.

 134)    "Some thoughts on writing in English in Israel," The New Aliyon, Passover 1997, 15.

 135)    From “Ways to Love: Monologues,” “Telephone Dialogue with a Friend,” “Elvis,” “Music,” Jerusalem Review, 2, 1997/1998, 175-179.

 136)    Alsop Review -- http://www.alsopreview.com/gut/

 137)    “Ode to Bob Flanaghan,” Michigan Quarterly Review.

 138)    “Of Israel and the Language,” Massachusetts Review.

 139)    “Jeans,” Amelia 26/27, Vol. VIII, Nos. 3 and 4, 1998, 174.

 140)    "T-shirt for Independence Day," Ariga, April 1998. http://www.ariga.com/visions/poetry/karen5.shtml

 141)    "Symbols," "Instructions for the Burglar," Poetry Magazine, Vol. III, No. IV, April 1998. http://poetrymagazine.com/archives/1998/apr/alkalay.htm

 142)    "Postcards to Palestine, 1900-1920," "Identity," "Mr. Panitz," "Jerusalem," Religion and Literature 30.3 Autumn 1998, 177-182.

 143)    “Panties,” Rising to the Dawn, Ed. Laverne C. Williams, New Jersey, Little Treasure Publications Inc., 1998, p. 89.

 144)    "A Poem for Yom Kippur: To Snow they Shall be Whitened," Ariga, September 1999. http://www.ariga.com/1999-09.shtml

 145)    “The Illumination of Nutrition: Cold Poems,” Poetry New York, 11, Winter/Spring 1999, 13-17.

 146)    "Aryeh Deri's Wife," Ariga, March 1999. http://www.ariga.com/1999-03.shtml

 147)    1949,” Messages from the Heart, Summer 1999, 6.

 148)    “I am the Girl,” The American Voice.                       

 149)    “Order,” “Housewife,” Ariel, Summer 1999, 71-2.

 150)    “Almost,” Will Work for Peace: New Political Poems, ed. Brett Axel. Trenton: Zeropanick Press, 1999, 99.

 151)    "Insomnia," "A Charm Against Insomnia," "Computer Solitaire," "Solitaire Addiction," "One Day I Played Solitaire," The Scriberazone, 1999. http://www.scriberazone.co.uk/collections/insomnia/index.shtml http://www.scriberazone.co.uk/collections/solitaire/index.shtml

 152)    "Abortions never let you forget," "Performance," "Crackpots," "Grudges," Mentress Moon, October 1999. http://www.sundress.net/mentressmoon/archives/oct1999/karen.html#abortions

 153)    “The Paranormal in Our Daily Lives,” “Physical Mistress,” “Martyrs,” “Consider the Red Clock,” “The Death of a Poet’s Dog,” “Helborn Station,” Jerusalem Review, 4, 1999/2000, 97-102.

 154)    "Dressing for Receptions," "Physical Mistress," "The Storm," "Portrait," The Drunken Boat, Issue I, Spring 2000. http://www.thedrunkenboat.com/alkalaypoetry.htm

 155)    “On The Statistic Probability of Miracles,” Home Planet News, 46 (Vol. 11 No. 4) Summer 2000, 17.

 156)    “At Fifty Four,” Clay Palm Review, Spring/Summer 2000.

 157)    "The Arab-Israeli Conflict," The Drunken Boat, Issue 2, Summer 2000. http://www.thedrunkenboat.com/inmyskin.htm

 158)    “Three Poems on Personal Habits,” “Inspiration,” “Landscape,” “In the President’s Home,” “Clocks,” “A Love Poem,” Ygdrasil, January 2000. http://www.etext.org/Poetry/Ygdrasil/Y-0001.HTM

 159)    "Medical History," Poetry Magazine, Vol. 5, No. XI, November 2000. http://poetrymagazine.com/archives/2000/November00/alkalay-gut.htm

 160)    “The Keepers of My Youth,” Dancing on the Edge of the World: Jewish Stories of Love, Faith, and Inspiration, ed. Miriyam Glazer, McGraw-Hill/Contemporary Books, 2000, 192-193.

 161)    "1949," Free Zone Quarterly (FZQ), 17, Winter 2000. http://fzq.lindaeverett.com/archives/17/poet03.htm

 162)    “Live War,” Perihelion, 7, 2001. http://www.webdelsol.com/Perihelion/alkalaygutpoetry.html

 163)    "Milk And Honey," "Poland," "The Other," Ariga, August 2001. http://www.ariga.com/2001-08.shtml

 164)    "soap opera," Poetry Magazine, Vol. VI, No. VII, September 2001. http://poetrymagazine.com/archives/2001/September01/alkalay_gut.htm

 165)    "For Tony Soprano," "The Friday Afternoon Arabic Movie," "Porno Ladies," "Chagall's 'Naissance'," "Old Lovers," "Minding the Infant," "For Miriam," The Scriberazone, 2001. http://www.scriberazone.co.uk/collections/faam/index.shtml

 166)    “Suicide Bomber,” “Belly Dancing – Tel Aviv March 2002,” "Recital,"  Bridges, Vol. 9, No. 2, 2002, 73, 76, back cover.

 167)    “In This Heat,” “Life Returning,” “Rusty Nails,” “Poison Comes from Within.” Peace Fire. Ed. E. Casey and P. Hilder. London: Free Association Books Ltd, 2002. 13, 295, 327, 340.

 168)    "Someone Was Here," "Edible Poems," "Birds in Bushes," "Lunch," "Chocolate," The Scriberazone, 2002.  http://www.scriberazone.co.uk/collections/obsessions/index.shtml

 169)    “From the Desert” (with Hebrew translation). The Poem and The World (book 4). Ed. Anshuman Pandey. Seattle: Seattle Sister-Cities Poetry Series, 2002. 22-25.

 170)    "Minding the Infant," "The Chiropractor," "Physiotherapy," Poetry Magazine, Vol. VII, No. II, February 2002. http://poetrymagazine.com/archives/2002/February2002/alkalay_gut.htm

 171)    “Metamorphosis,” Poetry Ireland Review, Issue 74. Ed. Michael Smith. Dublin: Poetry Ireland Ltd., 2002. 65.

 172)    "Exorcisms," Poetry Magazine, Vol. VII, No. VI, June 2002. http://poetrymagazine.com/archives/2002/June2002/alkalay_gut.htm

 173)    "What the Colossus Saw," Focus 9/11 Part One, Ed. Rochelle Ratner, in PoetsUSA. http://users.tellurian.com/wisewomensweb/PoetsUSA/ratner.html

 174)    "Fat Clothes, Thin Clothes," "Grandmother Reconsiders Her Knitting," "The Slipper," "Consider the Red Cloak," "Structure," "The Body," Women Writers, Winter/Spring 2003. http://www.womenwriters.net/creative/kag.htm

 175)     “Suicide Sister,” “Recital,” Palestine-Israel Journal ; Vol. 10, No. 1, 2003.

 176)    “The Hope,” The Golden Chain – Fifty Years of the Jewish Quarterly. Ed. Natasha Lehrer. London: Vallentine Mitchell, 2003.

 177)    "Ars Poetica," "Tune," "Going Down," Brief Encounter," "Some Trees," "Metamorphosis," "Fruits," Poems from Avra Cadibra, The Scriberazone, 2003. http://www.scriberazone.co.uk/collections/briefencounters/index.shtml http://www.scriberazone.co.uk/collections/avra/index.shtml

 178)    “Friend and Foe,” “To One in Beirut,” Women On War. Ed. Daniela Gioseffi. New York: The Feminist Press at the City University of New York, 2003. 182-184.

 179)    “On the Statistic Probability of Miracles,” Poetry Repair Shop, June 2003. http://www.poetryrepairs.com/v03/069.html

 180)    “On Reading Mohammed Zachariah's Poem 'War',” All Info About Poetry, 63, May 2003. http://poetry.allinfo-about.com/newsletters/poetry-newsletter63.html

 181)    "Ilan Ramon," "Recital," "The Child," "Flight," On the Lack of Productivity of Israeli Artists in These Hard Times," "Public Outcry," "Women and Cigars," "The Death of a Poet's Dog," "Of Israel And the Language," "Provocation – A Computer Game," Liz Magnes Plays Gershwin in Tel Aviv (and I scribble)," "Buying furniture on Herzl Street," "Inbal,"  Ariga, 1999-2003. http://www.ariga.com/visions/poetry/karen014.shtml http://www.ariga.com/visions/poetry/karen013.shtml

 182)    "Purim Thoughts," Ariga, March 2003. http://www.ariga.com/2003-03.shtml

 183)    "Provocation – A Computer Game," "After Making Love," "Sympathy for the Devil," "Love Soup," "Ways to Love: Monologues," "Summer 1990," "The Golden Calf," "The Slipper," "Sleeves," "Retailoring," "The Illumination of Nutrition: Cold Poems," "The Death of a Poet's Dog," "When Venus Thinks of Clothes," "Dirge," "The Minister of Poetry," The Alsop Review. http://www.alsopreview.com/gut/

 184)    "Love Poem," "Suicide Camp," "Amateur Night," Moongate Internationale.  http://motherbird.com/karen.html

 185)    "Straying Dog," "He Sleeps in Her," The Athens Review, Vol. 1, No. 1, Winter 2003. http://mywebpages.comcast.net/dtanoury1/Athens/W2003Frame1Source1.htm

 186)    "Recital," http://www.okapi.co.il/october2003/index.html

 187)    "Metamorphosis," Judaism, Vol. 52, No. 1-2, Winter/Spring 2003. 50.

 188)    “Let me think,” “Poetry,” “The Fitting,” “it is my soul it is,” “His Will,” “People with long,” “Cardiogram,” “Suicide.”  The Athens Review, 2003   http://mywebpages.comcast.net/dtanoury1/Athens/KAPms1Frame1Source1.htm

 189)    “Poem,” Home Planet News, No. 50, 2004.

 190)    “One of those Nights,” Femspec, Vol 4, No. 2. 2004.

 191)    “Recurrence” Mima’amakim, http://mimaamakim.org/mima2005_2.pdf

 192)    "Love Soup," Anthology One, Ed. Jaimes Alsop. Laurel, DE: Alsop Review Press, 2004. 6-12.

 193)    "Elegy to Enid," Harmony: Fifth World Congress of Poets for Poetry Research and Recitation, December, 2004, 129.

 194)    "Between Bombardments," Living with Terror, Working with Trauma. Ed. Danielle Knafo. Lanham: Jason Aronson, 2004. 105-110.

 195)    “Inheritance,” “Recital,” “Song,” “Belly Dancing Tel Aviv March 2002,” The Other Voices International Project 4, 2004. <http://www.othervoicespoetry.org/vol4/index.html>.

 196)    "Una Selva," "The Lost Ring," "A Poem," Continuum 3, 2004-2005. 120, 122, 124.

 197)    "Why I Wear Black," "1949," "Look How Happy the Television Is That I Am Home," "Love Soup," "Sympathy for the Devil," "Nijinsky," "3 Views of the Wolf," "Interrupted Love," "The Veil," "Kitchen," YGDRASIL (a special printed issue), Lulu, 2005. 125-141.

 198)    "Postcards to Palestine (1900-1920)," Arc 17, Summer 2005. 22-23.

 199)    "Almost," Maneuvering between the Headlines: An American Lives Through the Intifada by Helen Schary Motro. New York: Other Press, 2005.

 200)    "Computer Solitaire," "A Charm Against Insomnia," "Edible Poems," "Minding the Infant," Contraflower. Ed. Sarah Annetts and Peter Johnson. Sheffield: Scriberazone, 2005. 8, 37, 41, 65.

 201)    "Because my body," "Last Days," "3 Views of the Wolf," "Archives," "The Veil," "Every Morning," "At the Dead Sea," "Second Generation," "In the Country," "Hello Moses," "A Story of Jerusalem," "The Child," Botteghe Oscure, Inaugural Issue, Fall 2005. http://www.bottegheoscure.net/currentIssue/karen-alkalay-gut.htm

 202)    "The Old Queen of Dance," Natural Bridge 15, Spring 2006. 28.

 203)    “Elegy for Enid,” “World Poetry Almanac 2006,” Mongolia.

 204)    “Three Poems on Miriam,” Bridges 121.1, Spring 2007, 40-2.

 205)    “Local Produce,” excerpted.  Jerusalem Post Weekend, February 15, 2007, 9. 

 206)    “A Guided Tour of Jerusalem,” Michigan Quarterly Review, Summer 2007. 392-393.

Reprinted: http://quod.lib.umich.edu/m/mqr/act2080.0046.309?rgn=main;view=fulltext


 207)    “The Red Angel,” “The Red House,” “”Over Town,” “Lolling Lovers,” “David with a Mandolin,” “’Boat’,” “Peeing at the Uffizi” (Chagall Poems), “The Veil,” Arc 19, 2007. 25-28.

 208)    “Coins,” “Peace,” “Last Days,” “Codes,” Prairie Schooner Vol. 81, No. 1, Spring 2007. 42-44, 119-120

 209)    “Brooklyn,” Broken Land: Poems of Brooklyn, eds. Julia Spicker Kasdorf and Michael Tyrell, NY University Press, 2007. 222-3.

 210)    “Focus,” Kisufim: To Be A Jewish Writer, Jerusalem:  Beit Morasha, 2007, 49.

 211)    “Leprosy for Seven Days,” “Hello Moses,” “Miriam,” Bridges 12, 1, Spring 2007, 41, 69-70, back cover.

 212)    “Consider the Red Cloak,” The Virago Book of The Joy of Shopping. Ed. Jill Foulston. London: Virago, 2007. 55.

 213)     “Local Proposal,” Poetry Anthology from the Festival (Osef Shirim Min HaFestival), Nissan and Omanut LaAm, April 2007. 54. (in Hebrew)

 214)    “Hitler Builds a City for the Jews,” “Mr. Panitz,” Night Travel,” “Voices in My Skin,” Voyage Home,” Blood to Remember: American Poets on the Holocaust. Ed. Charles Adés Fishman. St. Louis, Missouri: Time Being Books, 2007. 39-43.

 215)    “Vadi Quelt: St. George of Koziba,” Mima’amakim, 2007. 39-40.

 216)    “Crossing the River,” Big Bridge , 2007. <http://www.bigbridge.org/WAR-PAP2.HTM>

 217)    “Dedication,” “Alter Ego,” Arc 20, 2008. 18-19.

 218)    “Mathematics,” Palestine-Israel Journal 14, 4, 2007. 116.

 219)    “Formalism: A Poem,” Critiphoria 1, 2008. <http://www.critiphoria.org/Issue1/Karen_Alkalay_Gut.pdf>

 220)    "Why I Don't Write Formal Verse,"Ars Poetica, December 19, 2008. <http://www.logolalia.com/arspoetica/>

 221)    "After," "Experience," "Intifada Child," A Sea of Voices: Women Poets in Israel, ed. Marjorie Agosin. Sante Fe: Sherman Asher, 2008. 161-163.

 222)    “The Gift,” “The Old Ways,” “Dresses,” “Jeans,” “Buying Clothes,” dans la lune 11, 2008.

 223)    “Stones,” “I Explain Darwin to the Rebbe,” “Morning Science,” “Birds of Tel Aviv University,” Queen in: Rhapsody: Linking Culture between Israel and Australia Issue 7, 2009. 34-35.

 224)    “Why I Don’t Write Formal Verse,” “Ars Poetica,” “The Belt,” Women’s Voices for Change, 2009. http://womensvoicesforchange.org/tag/karen-alkalay-gut.

 225)    “Abortions,” Corporea. Eds. Loredana Magazzeni et al. Roma: Le Voci della Luna Poesia (2009): 102.

 226)    “1957,” Women’s Voices for Change, 2010. <http://womensvoicesforchange.org/tag/karen-alkalay-gut>.

 227)    “Ten Minutes in Israel,” Storie all write 65 (2010): 61, 63.

 228)    “Discovering Details,” Arc 21 (2010): 8-9.

 229)    “Spring,” Phatitude 58 http://phatitude.org/online/pdf/plm-spring-2010,

 230)    “Cats of Tel Aviv,” “Bathsheva”: <http://blogs.forward.com/the-arty-semite/132362/#ixzz1MjikNsbf>

 231)    “Friday Afternoon – Dizengoff Street,” http://blogs.forward.com/the-arty-semite/132362/

 232)    Bathsheva”: http://blogs.forward.com/the-arty-semite/132362/

 233)    “Confessions of an Apicorous  http://blogs.forward.com/the-arty-semite/137097/

 234)    “C-c-c-c-c-c” http://blogs.forward.com/the-arty-semite/137097/

 235)    “Admit it,” “Cigarettes,” Ygdrasil http://www.synapse.net/kgerken/Y-1107.HTM

 236)    “Physiotherapy” Bellevue Literary Review  Fall  2011, 137-8.

 237)    Four Poems on Lymphoma, Barefoot Review. December, 2011

 238)    http://www.barefootreview.org/winter2011.html#karen_alkalay_gut

 239)    “Nijinsky,” Jewish Quarterly, Jan 2012.

 240)    “What the New Colossus Saw,” Phati’tude, III, 3, Fall 2011, 261.

 241)    “Unleashed,” Arc 22, 2012, 39, “Night,” 47.







SELECTED TRANSLATIONS INTO ITALIAN                                              


1)    “Mechitza,” “Sesso (Sex),” “A uno di Beirut” (To One in Beirut), trans. Nat Schammaca, Trapani Nuova, February 12, 1987.      

2)    “Greek and Jew,”  “Mechitza,” “Skiing on Galilee,” “Friend and Foe,” and “Lithuanian Legacy,” trans. Nat Schammaca, Trapani Nuova, June, 1987.                                                     

3)    “Separation,” “Ulysses,” and “An Israeli Proposal,” trans. Nat Schammaca, Trapani Nuova, May 22, 1987.                               

4)    “Lithuanian Legacy,” trans. Enzo Bonventure, Trapani Nuova, May 8, 1987, 3.                             

5)       “Penelope,” transl. Enzo Bonventure, Trapani Nuova, May 29, 1987, 3.                                     

6)    “Ulysses,” “An Israeli Proposal,” and Separation,” trans. Enzo Bonvennture, Trapani Nuova, May 22, 1987, 3.  

7)    “Mornings,” trans. Enzo Bonventure, Trapani Nuova, June 26, 1987, 3.                                        

8)    “Incrociando le gambe,” “Busso alla Porta,” trans. Enzo Bonventure, Trapani Nuova, March 30, 1988, 3.                         

9)    “Zebra,” trans. Franci Di Marco, Trapani Nuova, June 24, 1988, 3.                                                

10) “Ulysses,” trans. Enzo Bonventure, Il Foglio Volante, November‑December 1990, 5.                  

11) “Ulysses,” trans. Enzo Bonventure, Trapani Nuova, March 8, 1991, 3.                                           

12) “Quanto al Testo,” trans. Enzo Bonventure, Trapani Nuova, March 23, 1990, 3.                           

13) “Il Vietnam e il Golfo,” trans. Nat Schammaca and Nina Schammaca, “Penelope,” “Ulysses,” trans. Nina Schammmaca, “Tutto quel bussare ai cancelli,” trans. Enzo Bonventure.  Trapani Nuova. March 8, 1991, 3.

14) “Qui e la”,, trans. Nat Schammaca, 101 Poets.  Cross‑Cultural Communications, 1992.

15) “Struttura,” trans. Andrea Sirotti,  Sagarana, http://www.sagarana.net/rivista/numero14/poesia6.html

16) “Stile,” trans. Andrea Sirotti, Sagarana, http://www.sagarana.net/rivista/numero11/poesia1.html

17) evocando Emily,”Nijinsky,”strutture,”simpatia per il diavolo.”>

El Ghibli - rivista online di letteratura della migrazione 3 #1,december, 2006


18) “Gli aborti,” trans. Andrea Sirotti. Corporea. Eds. Loredana Magazzeni et al. Roma: Le Voci della Luna Poesia (2009): 103.

19) “Ten Minutes in Israel,” trans. Sabine De Angelis, Storie all write 65 (2010): 60, 62.




From Avra Cadivra and other poems, trans. Frenek Vigoda. http://www.karenalkalay-gut.com/polishtrans.html

Selected poems trans. Frenek Vigoda. http://karenalkalay-gut.com/polish.htm



Three poems, trans. Gabriel Prăjitură. http://www.aol.ro/2002/09/galeria/galeriagp01.htm





1. “Living,” Ariel, No. 85-86, Winter 1992, 113.

2. "Una Selva," "The Lost Ring," "A Poem," trans. Marlena Braester, Continuum 3, 2004-2005. 121, 123, 125.

3. “Trees in Tel Aviv,” “The Red House,” “The Gift,” “The Old Ways,” “Robes,” “Jeans,” “Buying Clothes,” trans. Christophe Lamiot-Enos, dans la lune 11, 2008.




1. “Dividing,” and “Resemblances,” amerikali kadin sairler (Anthology of American Women Poets,) translated by Talit Sait Halman, Varlick, 1992, 12-15.


2. “Bolmek,” Varlick 1019, August 1992, 28. 




“Housewife,” Ariel, 110, September 1999, 94.


SELECTED TRANSLATIONS INTO HEBREW                                    


1)    “Before You Turned,” “The Lady of the Doors,” “We Put the Baby,”  trans. Eyal Megged, Proza, October 1976, 6.     

2)    “Once into the Abyss,” “I Will Read For You,” “Entombed, I”  trans. Eyal Megged, Proza, February‑March, 1977, 25.

3)    “He Came in a Cloud,” Rosh, 2 Spring 1978, 4.                      

4)    “More Enterprising,”  “To Give,” Rosh, 5, Winter 1980, 23.         

5)    “Now that we have learned . . ."  "Betrayal," Ma’ariv, March 6, 1981, 37.                   

6)    “The Lady of Geha,” trans. Asher Reich, Yidiot Achronot Literary Supplement, December 11, 1981, 6.                     

7)    “The Second Time,”  “I Knock,” trans. Eyal Megged, Iton 77, 28, June-August, 1981, 41.     

8)    “Sweet Song,” trans. Asher Reich, Ma’ariv, December 4, 1981.                           

9)    “Ulysses,” Migvan 66, January 1982, 66.                            

10) “Friend and Foe,” Migvan 72, August 1982, 35.                      

11) “Our Flesh,”  “The Secret,” “You Always Loved Me,” trans. Ilan Sheinfeld, Davar, May 13, 1983, 21.                           

12) “To One in Beirut,” trans. Arie Sivan, “The Boys,” “Golan,” “Reckoning,” trans. Ilan Sheinfeld, Migvan, 81‑2, Juky-August 1983, 36‑7.       

13) “Only in Pain,” “No Need,” “Left Foot,” “I wanted to say” “So Much of Poetry,” Achshav, 43.  

14) “Hite Report,” “Shaul,” Achshav, 45.                              

15) “The Lithuanian Corridor,” “The Secret,” “My Friend’s Wife,” trans. Ilan Sheinfeld, Moznaim, September 1983, 57. 

16) “Ovdat,” “To Snow They Shall Be Whitened,” trans. Giora Leshem, Ma’ariv, October 12, 1984, 29.

17) “Mornings,” “Divorce,” “You Are a Shower of Gold,” “I Knock,” Isha Ohevet: An anthology of women poets, Tel Aviv: Stavit, 1985.                                                      

18) “Breakfast,” “Morning Lecture,” “Cities in the Future,” “Two Days Later,” “I Knock obn the Walls,” trans. Giora Leshem, Moznaim, January-March 1986, 72.

19) “Mornings,” “I Knock on the Walls,” “Divorce,” trans. Ziv Kuper, Israel Shelanu, April 22, 1986, 48-9.                          

20) “History,” Hadoar, trans. Lisa Pleegle, September 5, 1986.                                  

21) “Lithuanian Legacy,”  “Stroke,” and “Messiah,” trans. Yeshayahu Peles, Moznaim, March-April 1989, 40.                       

22) “Dream,” “June 7, 1983,” “Night Journey,” “Ovdat,” Rav Kol.  Ekked, 1989, 96‑101.

23) “Dream,” trans. Giora Leshem, Tsomet HaSharon, February 23, 1990, 45.

24) “Malcah,” “Warm,” “Lost Poem,” trans. Mary Reizel, Moznaim, April 1990, 45.  

25) from Between Bombardments, Maariv, 1991

26) “Between Bombardments – Selections,” trans. Ilan Sheinfeld, Apirion, 20-21, Fall-Winter 1991, 95.

27)  “Pardes,” trans. Shmuel Shatal, Ma’ariv Signon, 402, March 4, 1992, 6.    

28) “Arabesque,” “I’m Thinking of You,” “Hot Weather in Tel-Aviv,” “Memory,” “After Making Love,” trans. Oded Peled, Eton 77, 149, 1992, 49.

29) “End,” Mirpesset, 8-9, December 1992, 32.

30) “Procedures,” Nativ, 1993.

31) “Those Sleepless Nights,” “Mabrouk,” “Lessons,” trans. Moshe Shafrir, Eton 77, June, 1994, 29.                            

32) “Metaphors,” “Sympathy for the Devil,” Davar, December, 1994.

33) “Mothers” (with English original), trans. Moshe Shafrir, Moznaim, December 1994, 28.

34) “Lessons,” trans. Moshe Shafrir, Nativ, 3(44): May 1995. 92.

35) “Soutine,” and “The Lovers,” HaDoar, March 24, 1995, 17.

36) “The Hope,” Moznaim, February 1996, 32.

37) “Sympathy for the Devil,” trans. Tsvi Yakoby, Psefas, Vol. 33, 1996, 29.

38) “I’m So Glad,” trans. Shmuel Shatal, Moznaim, January 1997, 42.

39) “The Lovers,” trans. Sabina Messeg, “Fear and I Were Born Twins,” trans. Ezra Gut, HaDoar, June 27, 1997, 23.

40) “Ways to Love,” trans. Tsvi Yakoby, Moznaim, July 1997, 56-7.

41) “Abortions Never Let You Forget,” “1949,” trans. Orit Kruglanski, Reve’iya Had-Pa’amit, 1, September 1997, 3.

42) “Procedures,” “This Coat,” trans. Shmuel Shatal, Psefas, 37, 1998, 14, 17.

43) “The Illumination of Nutrition: Cold Poems,” self translated “Moznaim, May 1998, 62-3.

44) “The Greatness of the Poet,” “The Golden Calf,” trans. Yael Globerman, Moznaim, February 2001, 24.

45) “Munich Paranoia,” “Malcah,” trans. Daffi Kudish, Alei Siah 48, 2002, 17-18.

46)  "Shopping, Tel Aviv," trans.  Schulamith Hava Halevy, Psiphas 52, Autumn 2002, 41.

47) “Messiahs,” Eton 77, May 2003, 11.

48) "Recital," Gershon Giron, Tali Atlas-Tadmor, Noam Wohl, http://www.okapi.co.il/october2003/trans/trans5.html

49) "Voices in My Skin," trans. Daffi Kudish, Alei Siach, Autumn, 2003.

50) "My Young Breasts," trans. Hayuta Glor and Karen Alkalay-Gut, Ahat me Tesha (One in Nine), Spring 2004. 5.

51) "Interrupted Love," "Nijinsky," "Every Morning," trans. Aharon Amir, Keshet HaKhadasha 12, Summer 2005. 32-34.

52) "Birds of Tel Aviv University," trans. Daffi Kudish, Poetry Anthology from the Festival, (Osef Shirim Min HaFestival), Nissan and Omanut LaAm, April 2006. 83.

53) “Focus,” trans. Daffi Kudish, Kisufim: To Be A Jewish Writer, Jerusalem:  Beit Morasha, 2007, 48.

54) “Stones,” “I Explain Darwin to the Rebbe,” “Morning Science,” “Birds of Tel Aviv University,” trans. Daffi Kudish Weichert, Queen in: Rhapsody: Linking Culture between Israel and Australia Issue 7, 2009. 34-35.

55) “To Snow It Shall Be Whitened,” trans. Daffi Kudish Weichert, One Square Meter Festival 2009 (Jerusalem Poetry Festival # 2): The Poems. Jerusalem: Carmel, 2009. 14.  

56) “Poem,” Haaretz, December 15, 2011, p. 12. http://www.haaretz.co.il/gallery/lifestyle/1.1591849                                             



1)“Order,” “Housewife,” Ariel, September 1999, 72-73.

2) From the University of Chile Web Site http://rehue.csociales.uchile.cl/rehuehome/facultad/publicaciones/autores/kagut/kagut.htm

3) http://www.mioruro.com/libros/literatura2/A/Alkalay-Gut,%20Karen/Alkalay-Gut,%20Karen%20-%20Poesia.pdf

4) Verano http://networkedblogs.com/14mws

5) http://byricardomarcenaro.blogspot.com/2009/09/poem-karen-alkalay-gut-summer-1990.html

6) http://www.docstoc.com/docs/27239397/Alkalay-Gut_-Karen---Poesía

7) http://www.libros.freewww.info/libros/A/Alkalay-Gut,%20Karen%20-%20Gut,%20Karen%20-%20Poesia.pdf

8) http://ww.esnips.com/doc/b3c3ef3a-2655-4738-9f00-782062f855a0/Karen-Alkalay-Gut-(poes%C3%ADa)





SELECTED TRANSLATIONS INTO RUSSIAN                                               

"Taking Out the Trash," "Transportations," "Josef and I," "I Explain Darwin to the Rebbe," trans. Chana Noy, Dvar HaSofer (Russian edition), Autumn 2003, 55.



"Birds of Tel Aviv University," "You Always Loved Me," trans. Coovash, August 2005   http://coovash.blogfa.com/post-24.aspx.




"Birds of Tel Aviv University," trans. Nai'm Araydee, Poetry Anthology from the Festival (Osef Shirim Min HaFestival), Nissan and Omanut LaAm, April 2006. 82.

“Local Proposal,” trans. Nai’m Araydee, Poetry Anthology from the Festival (Osef Shirim Min HaFestival), Nissan and Omanut LaAm, April 2007. 55.



“Plea for a Moratorium on Poems about Jerusalem,” De Brug, Vol. 16 No. 63, December 2006.                                          



(D) FICTION PUBLICATIONS                                                   

1)    “Mother and Son,” (Hebrew: “Hahetsi Hasheni”) La’Isha, Nov 1, 1982, 93.

2)    “The Beach,” Atlantis, Spring, 1985. 

3)    “Portrait,” ARC, Spring, 1986.

4)    “The Revenge,” Confrontation, 1992. Hebrew: Orit Kruglanski, Eton 77, July 1993, 48-9.

5)     “Lovelines,” The Time of Our Lives, Crossing Press, 1993. Reprinted in ARS, 1993.

6)    "Partners," ARC 18, 2006. 18-22.

7)    “Mother and Son,” Jane Doe Buys a Challah and Other Stories, Eds. Shelley Goldman and Elana Shap, Tel Aviv: Ang-Lit. Press, 2007. 211-215. 

8)    “The Center,” Tel Aviv Stories, Eds. Shelley Goldman and Elana Sharp, Tel Aviv: Ang-Lit, 2010.